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橙县私立高中 Private High Schools & College Prep Schools in Orange County

核心提示: Private High Schools & College Prep Schools [table=442] [tr][td=3,1][img=446,15]http: www orangecounty net tables bar-top gif[ img] [td=

Private High Schools & College Prep Schools
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[img=160,139]http://www.orangecounty.net/images2/armenta.jpg[/img]Armenta Learning Academy Kindergarten through 12th grade Located in Laguna Niguel Armenta Learning Academy is an interactive, hands-on, 6:1 ratio school in a non traditional environment with focus on accelerated studies, early graduation, classes for credit, college prep courses and SAT, ACT, GED test preparation. At Amenta, we will find a specialized and individualized program best for your child, whether they are gifted and moving at a faster pace, or behind and in need of extra help. We can help your child advance up to 2 years in grade level or classes while making a difference in their academic needs and assisting them to have a successful experience and outcome, not only in school but life! For more information please call 949-367-WISE (9473) OR 949-433-0898
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[table=98%] [tr][td][img=152,79]http://www.orangecounty.net/images2/Chyten.jpg[/img]Chyten Simply the Best Tutors, Strategies, Results. Founded in Boston among the country’s most prestigious and competitive universities, Chyten’s premier test preparation and tutoring services are now available in Orange County. Chyten students – more than 20,000 -- earn the highest scores and are accepted at the nation’s premier universities. Chyten is:
- Results-focused-Industry’s highest SAT increase-274 points - Effective-Perfect SAT essay scores at 50 times the national average - Proven-Six perfect scores since January 2010. - Qualified-Employs only tutors with Masters degrees and teaching experience.
[/td][/tr] We also offer private tutoring rooms, expert help with homework and more, and detailed online progress reports following every session. For a free consultation in our Irvine offices, call 949-242-0050, or visit our website. We are located at 4000 Barranca, Parkway Suite 220, Irvine CA 92604 [/table]
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[table=442] [tr][img=195,72]http://www.orangecounty.net/images2/Fairmont_logo.jpg[/img]Fairmont Private Schools Rigorous standards, a diversified curriculum, personalized instruction and dedicated teachers create an environment of educational excellence at Fairmont Prep. This WASC accredited campus offers college bound students AP and IB courses, an advanced math track, an engineering magnet program and a medical magnet program. Students participate in thriving student life including varsity sports, the arts, clubs, community service and an annual travel week. The Prep campus features buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places, a gymnasium, multipurpose room, theatre, art studio, library and multiple science and computer labs. Graduates go on to some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country. [/table]
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[table=442] [tr][img=150,79]http://www.orangecounty.net/images2/princeton.gif[/img]The Princeton Review - Test Preperation The Princeton Review helps students, parents, and educators achieve the best outcomes at all stages of their educational careers. It all starts with a single premise: Everyone is entitled to the best education. Through years of research they've learned to use practice and preparation to help students improve their performance. The Review's Test Preparation Division helps a wide variety of students prepare and practice for major moments in their educational lives including the PSAT, SAT, ACT and Graduate School Exams. [/table]
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资讯标签: Schools College Prep in County Orange