Pearson Education is a British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools and corporations, as well as directly to students. Pearson owns educational media brands including Addison–Wesley, BBC Active, Bug Club, eCollege, Fronter, Longman, MyEnglishLab, Penguin Readers, Prentice Hall, Poptropica and Financial Times Press.
Pearson is part of Pearson PLC, which also owns the Financial Times. It was created in 1998 when Pearson PLC purchased the education division of Simon & Schuster from Viacom and merged it with its own education division, Addison-Wesley Longman to form Pearson Education. Pearson Education was rebranded to Pearson in 2011, and split into an International and a North American division.
Though Pearson generates approximately 60% of its sales in North America, they operate in more than 70 countries. Pearson International is headquartered in London with offices across Europe, Asia and South America.
Partnerships[edit]Pearson has partnered with five other higher-education publishers to create CourseSmart, a company developed to sell college textbooks in eTextbook format on a common platform.[3] In 2010, Pearson agreed to a 5 year, $32 million, contract with the New York State Department of Education to design tests for students in grades 4-8.
GreyCampus partnered with Pearson for higher-education teaching-learning solutions under the Learningware brand.[4]
"Pineapple-Gate"[edit]In the spring of 2012, tests that Pearson designed for the NYSED were found to contain over 30 errors, which caused controversy. One of the most prominent featured a passage about a talking pineapple on the 8th Grade ELA test (revealed to be based from Daniel Pinkwater's The Story of the Rabbit and the Eggplant, with the eggplant changed into a pineapple). After public outcry, the NYSED announced it would not count the questions in scoring.[5] Other errors included a miscalculated question on the 8th Grade Mathematics test regarding astronomical units, a 4th grade math question with two correct answers, errors in the 6th grade ELA scoring guide, and over twenty errors on foreign language math tests.[6]
Technology products[edit]- Mastering, an adaptive tutorial system with specific wrong-answer feedback for students and diagnostics for instructors for the sciences.
- Active Teach, a unique digital learning resource that combines pedagogically sound text books with innovative teaching and learning materials.[7]
- Course Compass extensions to Blackboard Inc.'s
- MyEnglishLab, online English language learning.
- CourseConnect, a library of customisable online courses
- Livelessons, video training from technology experts
- MyMathLab and MyStatsLab, comprehensive online, interactive teaching/learning systems[8]
- Pearson LearningStudio, SaaS-based Learning Management System
- Market Leader Live, Online Business English training
- Mastering Platform, college level homework assessment system
- OpenClass, free learning environment delivered from the cloud, integrated with Google Apps for Education™
- Maths Champs, A free maths games service for primary age children.
- MyITLab, online computer and computer information systems learning
Pearson operates globally and has a range of competitors, both worldwide and in each country in which it operates. In the United States, its main K-12 competitors includeHoughton Mifflin Harcourt, and McGraw-Hill Education, a former division of the McGraw Hill Companies, Inc which was sold off as a separate unit in 2013. International competitors include Macmillan Education, a division of Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group.