2015-06-18 12:19:48
ABHOR to hate
ABSTINENCE deliberate self-restraint
ABSTRUSE difficult to understand
ACCLAIM to praise
ACCORD agreement
ABHOR to hate
ABSTINENCE deliberate self-restraint
ABSTRUSE difficult to understand
ACCLAIM to praise
ACCORD agreement
ACERBIC bitter
ACRIMONY hostility
ACUITY sharp perception or vision
ADEPT very skilled
ADMONISH to gently criticize or warn
ADORN to decorate
ADROIT very skilled
ADULATION excessive flattery
ADVERSITY great hardship
ADVOCATE to speak in favor of, promote
AESTHETIC concerning beauty
AFFABLE friendly
AFFLUENT wealthy
ALACRITY eagerness, enthusiasm
ALIENATE to make unfriendly or hostile
ALLEVIATE to make more bearable
ALTRUISTIC unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others
AMALGAM a combination of diverse elements
AMBIVALENT having opposing feelings; uncertain
AMELIORATE to improve
AMENABLE open to advice or suggestion
AMIABLE friendly
AMICABLE friendly
AMORPHOUS lacking definite form
ANACHRONISTIC in the wrong time period
ANECDOTE a short account of an interesting or humorous incident
ANIMOSITY bitter hostility
APATHETIC lacking interest, concern, or emotion
APPEASE to bring peace, quiet, or calm to; to relieve APPREHENSIVE fearful
ARBITRARY determined by impulse or chance, without reason
ARCHAIC outdated; really old
ARDOR energy, intensity, enthusiasm
ARID dry
ARTICULATE characterized by clear and expressive language
ASCERTAIN to discover
ASPIRE to have a great ambition
ASSESS to make a judgment about
ASSIDUOUS hard working
ASTUTE having sharp judgment
ATROPHY to waste away
AUDACITY disrespectful boldness
AUGMENT to make greater in size or quantity
AUSPICIOUS favorable; successful
AUSTERE strict or severe in discipline
AUTONOMY independence
AVERSE reluctant
AWE a mixed emotion of respect, wonder, and dread