2015-03-30 11:33:24
ambiguous apparent arbitrary assert astounding
astute authorize deceptively determined elicit
ambiguous apparent arbitrary assert astounding
astute authorize deceptively determined elicit
forbid petition relinquish resilient tempt
ambiguous adj. of unclear meaning, something that can be
understood in more than one way
adv. ambiguously Syn. vague
n. ambiguity
The men received an ambiguous message from their boss.
His letter was full of ambiguities.
apparent adj. to be clear in meaning or open to view, easily
adv. apparently Syn. visible
It was apparent that he needed to rest.
No one apparently knew to solve the problem.
arbitrary adj. an action or decision made with little
adv. arbitrarily thought, order, or reason
n. arbitrariness Syn. haphazard
Her choice of clothing seemed arbitrary.
The teacher arbitrarily decided to give the class a test.
assert n. to express or defend oneself strongly, to
adv. assertively state positively
n. assertiveness Syn. declare
n. assertion
adj. assertive
The government asserted its control over the banking system.
The company president is an assertive individual.
astounding adj. very surprising
v. astound Syn. astonishing
adv. astoundingly
The scientists made an astounding discovery.
The fans were astounded by their team's success.
astute adj. very intelligent, smart, clever
adj. astutely Syn. perceptive
n. astuteness
He was an astute worker, finishing in half the time it took the others to finish.
They astutely determined that there would be no chance to finish on time.
authorize v. to give permission or power to do
adj. authorized something
n. authority
Syn. empower
Only authorized employees are allowed in the laboratory.
The dean has the authority to resolve academic problem of students.
deceptively adv. to make someone think that something is
adj. deceptive true or good when it is false or bad
v. deceive Syn. misleadingly
n. deception
The magician deceptively made the rabbit disappear.
Richard deceived Joe about the cost of the coat.
determined adj. to be strong in one's opinion, to be firm in
n. determination conviction
v. determine Syn. resolute
They were determined to go to graduate school.
The judge determined that the man was lying.
elicit v. to get the facts, to draw out, to evoke
n. elicitation Syn. extract
A lawyer will elicit all the facts necessary to prove her case.
Elicitation of the truth can be difficult at times.
forbid v. to command not to do something
adj. forbidden to have a dangerous look, bad feeling
adj. forbidding
adv. forbiddingly Syn. ban
His father will forbid him to use the car.
The cave looks forbidding let's not go in.
petition v. to make a request
n. petition Syn. appeal
Canada petitioned the United Nations to consider its case.
The student's petition was denied.
relinquish v. to give up control
n. relinquishment Syn. abdicate
The troubled executive relinquished his control of the company.
The relinquishment of his claim to the building will allow the building to be sold.
resilient adj. strong enough to recover from difficulty or
adv. resiliently disease
n. resilience Syn. tenacious
She has a resilient personality and will soon feel better.
The doctor was surprised by his patient's resilience.
tempt v. to make it attractive to do something
adv. temptingly wrong
n. temptation
adj. tempting Syn. entice
The idea of getting rich quickly tempted him to invest his life savings.
Desserts are more tempting when one is on a diet.