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核心提示: LESSON 3  alter  analyze  ancient  annoying  anticipate  conform  defect  enrich  intensify  intolerable  observe  ongoin

LESSON 3  alter  analyze  ancient  annoying  anticipate  conform  defect  enrich  intensify  intolerable  observe  ongoing  propose  restore  vital alter v. to change or make different v. altered Syn. modify n. alteration adj. alterable adv. alterably I Will the starlit alter its course and miss the coast? Gloria hasn't altered her plans to return to school. analyze v. to study something carefully, to separate n. analyzed into parts for study n. analysis Syn. examine Scientists must analyze problems thoroughly. Analysis of the substance confirms the presence of nitrogen. ancient adj. something from a long time ago, very old. Syn. old Archaeologists analyze ancient civilizations. Dave found an ancient Roman coin. annoying adj. a slight bother, disturbing to a person n. annoyance Syn. bothersome v. annoy adv. annoyingly Mosquitoes can be an annoying part of a vacation at the beach. She annoyed her parents by coming home late. anticipate v. to think about or prepare for something ahead of adj. anticipatory time n. anticipation Syn. predict No one can anticipate the results of the games. They planned their vacation with anticipation. conform v. to follow established rules or patterns of n. conformity behavior n. conformist Syn. adapt Yon must conform to the rules or leave the club. She has always been a conformist. detect v. to find out, to observe something n. detection Syn. notice n. detective He detected a smile on his girlfriend's face. They are the best detectives on the police force. enrich v. to make rich, to make something of n. enrichment greater value adj. enriching Syn. enhance The fine arts enrich our lives. The discovery of oil was an enrichment for the country. intensify v. to make stronger in feeling or quality n. intensity Syn. heighten adj. intense adj. intensive adv. intensely adv. intensively The importance of the test will sometimes intensify the nervousness of the students. The chess match was played with great intensity. intolerable adj. difficult or painful to experience, not n. intolerance able to accept different ways of thought adv. intolerably or behavior adv. intolerantly adj. intolerant Syn. unbearable Any opposition to the rules is intolerable. His boss was intolerant of his tardiness. observe v. to see and watch carefully, to examine n. observation Syn. notice n. observer adj. observant adj. observable Human beings like to observe the behavior of monkeys. I made the observation that you are not happy. ongoing adj. continuing Syn. current The tutoring project is an ongoing program of the school. Maintaining roads is an ongoing job. propose v. to suggest or plan to do something n. proposal Syn. suggest n. proposition adj. proposed The governor is going to propose new taxes. Her proposal was well accepted. restore v. to give back or bring back something; to n. restoration return to the original condition adj. restored Syn. revitalize He restored my confidence in hint. It is a beautiful restoration of the old table. vital adj. of great importance, full of life n. vitality Syn. indispensable adv. vitally Money is vital to the success of the program. His intense vitality was easily observable. MATCHING Choose the synonym. 1. indispensable 6. observe (A) abrupt (A) alter (B) abroad (B) notice (C) vital (C) anticipate (D) frail (D) modify 2. restore 7. intense (A) appeal (A) strong (B) revitalize (B) intolerant (C) attract (C) vitally (D) disrupt (D) allowable 3. conform 8. enrich (A) annoy (A) alter (B) divide (B) dispense (C) encourage (C) disrupt (D) adapt (D) enhance 4. notice 9. unbearable (A) observe (A) inspiring (B) refine (B) unfavorable (C) distribute (C) intolerable (D) analyze (D) ancient 5. current 10. proposal (A) energetic (A) question (B) ideal (B) attention (C) ongoing (C) benefit (D) intense (D) suggestion TEST QUESTIONS Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase 1. The composition of heavenly bodies can be discovered by analyzing the light they emit. (A) detecting (B) examining (C) intensifying (D) observing 2. In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company altered the secret formula of the drink's ingredients. (A) modified (B) proposed (C) enriched (D) restored 3. Aside from simply being annoying, loud noises can permanently damage the ear. (A) unwelcome (B) bothersome (C) detected (D) intolerable 4. Building construction is an ancient human activity. (A) an old (B) a vital (C) an ongoing (D) a contemporary 5. Manitoba's leaders anticipated the changing economic environment during the early part of the twentieth century. (A) welcomed (B) predicted (C) made use of (D) conformed to LESSON 4  ambiguous
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