How to Study for The TOEFL Exam
Chapter 1 – An Introduction to TOEFL Universitiesin English-speaking countries get hundreds of thousands of applications everyyear from aspiring foreign students. Want to make your application stand out?Ace the TOEFL. Foreign candidates who get high scores on the Test of English asa Foreign Language (TOEFL) are seen as more ready to study at English-languageuniversities than their peers. Their applications get accepted at a higher ratethan that of students with low TOEFL scores. Read more to learn about thefundamentals of the TOEFL.
Chapter 2 – YourTOEFL Journey Startpreparing now. Read this chapter for details of each step on your TOEFLjourney. An estimated 9,000 educational institutions from more than 130different nations require applicants to provide their TOEFL scores. As aresult, most countries conduct TOEFL tests, albeit with varying formats. TheInternet-based (iBT) format is the most popular, however, some nations providepaper-based (PBT) tests as well. You can retake the TOEFL as many times as youwant, starting from the 13th day of the previous test date.
Chapter 3 – TOEFLTest Format and Scoring TOEFLtests have four sections: 1) Reading, 2) Listening, 3) Speaking, and 4)Writing. You will get a 10-minute break between sections two and three. Themaximum total score is 120 (30 points in each section). There is no failing orpassing score. Different universities have their own cut-offs, however, whichis why you should aim to score as high as you can. Boost your understanding ofTOEFL format and scoring by reading this chapter.
Chapter 4 – Reading Thereading section tests your ability to read and comprehend unfamiliar passagesin subjects such as arts, social science, and business. You will be given 3-5passages, with 12-14 questions based on each. Thus, in total, the iBT testincludes 35 to 56 reading questions, which must be completed within 60 to 80minutes. You can expect to find multiple-choice questions as well, with morethan one correct answer. See reading section details, sample questions andpreparation tips in this chapter.
Chapter 5 –Listening Thelistening section tests your ability to follow oral communication, whether inclass during lectures or outside class in social settings. You will be givenheadphones to listen to an audio file. Pictures will accompany the audio onyour computer screen to help understand the oration. The iBT test includes 34to 51 listening questions, which must be completed within 60 to 90 minutes.Scores will be awarded based on seven listening competencies. See listeningsection details, sample questions and preparation tips in this chapter.
Chapter 6 – Speaking Thespeaking section tests your ability to start or carry out a conversation bothinside and outside the class. The iBT test includes six task-based speakingquestions that must be completed within 20 minutes. The first two questionsconsist of “independent speaking tasks,” in which you must speak from yourexperiences individually. The last four questions are “integrated speakingtasks,” where you must include information from accompanying literature tofinish the task. See speaking section details, sample questions and preparationtips in this chapter.
Chapter 7 – Writing Thewriting section tests your ability to note down and express ideas, information,or opinions via written communication. The iBT test includes two task-basedwriting questions, which must be completed within 50 minutes. Like the speakingsection, the writing section has independent and integrated tasks. Both tasksare scored on a scale of zero to five and then averaged to calculate your finalscore. See writing section details, sample questions and preparation tips inthis chapter.
Chapter 8 – Bonus –Tips on Quelling Test Jitters Confidencegoes a long way in helping you score high on your TOEFL tests. Learn how todeal with the pressure of preparation and performance when sitting for theTOEFL, as well as different strategies to manage personal and parentalexpectations in this chapter.