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核心提示: Hello, 大家好,today, we are going to discuss在托福阅读中关于应试的一些技巧。 As far as I am concerned, 托福阅读想拿高分需要在两

Hello, 大家好,today, we are going to discuss在托福阅读中关于应试的一些技巧。 As far as I am concerned, 托福阅读想拿高分需要在两方面加强, First,内力的修炼,which are 词汇and 语法。对一个单词的掌握又分为两个方面,on the one hand, 词汇量,认识词汇的多少;on the other hand, 对词汇的熟悉程度。很多同学往往忽视了对词汇的熟悉程度而片面的追求词汇量,大家一定都有过这种经历,一个单词你看三四秒才想起来什么意思,那么not only 耽误做题时间,but also 让你的思路不断停滞,让你心情烦躁,最终结果就是做错题,所以,单词这一关,谁也逃不过,一定要大量多次的看,反复记忆,最终把词汇量和熟悉度都搞上去。 对于语法,具体到阅读里面就是长句了,因为总有同学在群里问,我就简单说一下,如果让我们翻译一个长句,那么一下几个步骤 For example,the translation of this sentence, 小明,however,despite of 他父母反对,deeply爱着小红,who is 美丽漂亮可爱大方。 Step 1 找主干,每个句子都只有一套主谓宾有没有!!!!!!!你不能在一个句子里面找到两个主语两个谓语两个宾语有没有!!!!!so,拿过来一个句子,先挑主干,把主谓宾找出来就大概知道意思了。 上面那句话的主干就是小明爱着小红,注意 没有deeply,deeply是副词作状语,状语不能做主谓宾有没有!!!!!!!!!!!! Step2 确定其他部分的成分,however,放在主语谓语之间,可以拿到句首,它表示的是前后两句的转折,注意,前后两句,所以在本句中,它的地位很低,放在句首翻译成但是就ok了。Despite of 他父母的反对,插入语,deeply副词作状语,who is 定语,前置即可。 Step3 把确定好的部分,塞进句子中,然后读一读你写的中文,是不是大家能看懂的中文,再进行整理。这句话的翻译就是 但是,小明不顾他父母的反对,深爱着美丽漂亮可爱大方的小红! What I have discussed above 就是翻译句子的流程,而当我们作阅读中读长句的时候,没必要这么细致这么复杂,因为没有人要你英译汉,托福阅读考查的就是我们能否抓取文章信息的能力,700字的文章14道题,还有好几个词汇题,那么分给文章的题只有大约十个,所以它不可能考的很细致,有同学说那不是很多细节题么,你仔细想想细节题一般也都存在于每段的中心论点里面,在例子支持信息中也有,但是很少,所以我们要练就的是抓重点信息的能力。到每个句子中也是一样的,抓出句子主干即可,如果考了你再去看其他成分。什么成分是我们可以在读句子的时候忽视的呢,以下几个 1.同位语,既然是同位语,那么它一定和它之前的名词是同等地位的,它是去具体的解释那个名词,所以,没有必要读,考了你再回来看,不考就无视掉,一般是不考。 2.插入语,都说是插入语了,那些什么to some degree之类的,本身就是可有可无的东西。 3.定语从句,定语从句通常是考点,但是读句子的时候可以忽略掉,定语从句的性质相当于形容词,形容词一定不是关键信息,她是个女人,她是个美丽的女人,最终关键点都是说她是个女人。定从如果考到了你再回来读即可,从句的考法有时间我再说! 4.状语从句,这个快点看,作状语,本身也不是关键信息,我爱她,我很爱她,其实都是我爱她。 5.有关名词的一些特殊结构的简化 下面的a全是名词, 这些结构是我在金鑫老师那里偷的艺,盗亦有道,我得给金鑫老师署名呵呵。 a1 a2 a3,挑一个读就行了, a1 of a2 of a3,a1是核心,a1后面的可以不看了 a1 or a2; a1 and a2, 读一个就行 a such as b c d;such a as b,c,d.. such as本身就是举例,举例就是为了解释说明,所以,bcd可以不看了,however,如果a你没看懂,那么bcd里面挑一个你会的,它等价于a.有的同学说abcd我都不懂,那么,再见!!!!!!!!! More than,more than所要强调的是more之后的部分,不是than之后的,所以than之后的不读! 还有几个类似more than的, In addition to ……,…… It is not just……,…… Rather than……,…… Although/while……,…… 以上表示的都是否定意思,而不,尽管这类的,所以他们后跟着的部分可以不读,只读“,”逗号之后的,for example, it is not just小强爱着小红,小明也爱小红。这句要表达的就是小明爱小红,之前关于小强的只是铺垫。 以上的方法是告诉大家如何读句子如何最快最准确的抓取我们要的有用的信息。 再说一下and的用法,这个貌似给很多同学造成了困惑,遇到and+某某某的时候,找and前面与某某某相同词性的词,注意,词性!!!!!!!!!!!!如果是介词,找之前一样的介词。注意,一样的介词,on 找on ,of找of。 举例 the result is a remarkable unbroken record of1 temperature and of2atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. 先翻译一下我再分析,结果是一个不同寻常的完整的有关温度和co2大气强度的记录。 And of2 atomspheric ,and后面是介词of2,去前面找of1,of1前面是record,所以of2也是属于record的的,那么这句话就是the result is a remarkable unbroken record of1 temperature and record of2atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. As well as 等于and,读句子的时候看着不顺眼就把它换回and。 上面我大概说了一下有关内力的修炼的问题,有些具体的东西我以后慢慢讲吧,下面进入大家最关心的部分,外力如何加强!! 内力修炼的差不多了,或者差很多但是即将考试了,没关系,我们练外力,练招式,练技巧,把自己有限的内功最大化。 先提醒一点,招式也是建立在内功有了一定修为的基础上的,内力不够,直接练招式,就会走火入魔。句子都读不懂呢,何谈技巧啊。所以说,不要想着投机取巧,这不过是锦上添花的东西! TYPE 1 细节题 这类题在考试中的比重最大,也是最容易拿分的,既然都已经说了是细节题,那么考点是文章的细节中,而不是有关全文的,所以说,我们读懂一段中的一小部分就可以做题了。 一般是这几种问法: 1. According to the passage……,……?” 2. It is stated in paragraph X 3. It is indicated in paragraph X 4. It is mentioned in paragraph X 这类题的本质就是同意转述,做题流程, 1 读题,抓取关键字 2 用关键字回原文定位,找到定位句(不一定是一句,有可能是一两句)。还有一个方法能帮助我们定位,题目的顺序和文章的顺序是一致的,所以前后题的位置可以帮助我们找定位句,但是这个在考试的时候作用不大,因为考试界面是每次只出现一道题。 3 读明白那句话 4 回头看选项,选出和那句话同意义的句子。 错误选项的特点:1原文中没提到的 2与原文相反的 3定位句之外的。前两种比较常见 这类题一般都是直接选择,我看到有些同学喜欢用排除法,我个人建议,这种题没必要用排除法,第一浪费时间,人家看完了A直接选了,你看完ABCD,把原文忘了再回头找,人家都做到第三题了!第二 它的错误选项本身就胡编乱造的,基本都和正确选项完全不沾边,看它没什么意义甚至会误导你。 针对上面列出的做题流程我一步一步讲解,就拿我们昨天做过的文章举例 Paragraph 1:In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth, Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late 1400s). Among the key factors behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion of trade. 1. According to paragraph 1, what was true of Europe during the medieval period? ○ Agricultural productivity declined. ○ There was relatively little economic growth. ○ The general level of prosperity declined. ○ Foreign trade began to play an important role in the economy. 1先读题,抓取关键词,关键词一定是名词,为什么?因为名词可以作主宾语,形容词,副词起的永远是修饰作用,但是是不是就不看了呢,也不是,我说的是把名词当成关键点,可没说只看它,定语或者状语是帮助我们定位的。对于这道题,关键词就是Europe,然后看一下后面的状语,是在medieval period 2 用找到的关键词找定位句,有同学说第一句,我说不准确,第一句的后半句,In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth是状语, 我前面说了,状语快点看! 定位句就是Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous medieval period 3下面就是看懂定位句了,回到了我们所说的内力的修炼,读句子的能力,分析一下这句话,that引导的是growth的定语从句,发展让欧洲脱离了十分贫瘠的欧洲中世纪时期,说明中世纪的Europe是十分贫瘠的,下面进入第四步 4 信息我们已经拿到手了,回头看选项吧, A选项Agricultural productivity第一不在定位句中,第二第二句里面人家也没说decline B 选项 relatively little economic growth就是the relatively less prosperous的同意转述,所以它是对的 做题做到这就ok了,要对自己有信心,不要总觉得自己选的不对,忐忑着继续看其它选项,为了让大家熟悉题型和思路,我继续分析其他两个选项 C选项 还是原文没有的,根本没提过decline D选项 看到Foreign trade就可以不往下看了,明显的原文没提到的! 注:读选项的时候同样注意名词,道理和我们从question中选择关键点是一样的。 再给个例子,还是昨天作业里面的, Paragraph 2:Populations cannot grow unless the rural economy can produce enough additional food to feed more people. During the sixteenth century, farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands). Dutch land reclamation in the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries provides the most spectacular example of the expansion of farmland: the Dutch reclaimed more than 36.000 acres from 1590 to 1615 alone. 3. According to paragraph 2, one effect of the desire to increase food production was that ○ land was cultivated in a different way ○ more farmers were needed ○ the rural economy was weakened ○ forests and wetlands were used for farming 解析:细节题,关键词:effect,结果, increase food production.定位句:Populations cannot grow unless the rural economy can produce enough additional food to feed more people. During the sixteenth century, farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands). 第一句说的是increase food production的原因,第二句才是effect。farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands).直接选D 。AB都是文章没提的。C是与文章相反的,rural economy并没有weakened 以上就是做细节题的一般流程和思路,这些都很正统,并不无耻,下面教大家的是如何投机取巧,利用文章本身给出的条件快速做题。先提醒一下,无耻技巧只是锦上添花的,而不是主菜,超过百分之八十的题还是要用上面的思路做! 无耻技巧1: 带程度副词的,比如only well clearly往往都是错的,这种选项往往很有迷惑性,因为它看似是同义转述,实际确扩大或缩小了词义(说的好抽象 呵呵) 比如原文说,我打了他,选项:I hit him severely,这个选项一定是错的,人家有没说怎么打的,又没说经脉尽断,你为什么要主观臆断他狠狠的打了呢??!!这个不仅仅适用于细节题,还适用于推断题,讲推断题的时候我给大家举个例子。 无耻技巧2:类似于程度副词,一般有more than或者比较级的都是错的,原文没有比较,你不能自己给人家比较,比如说她很美,选项是她比杨幂美,(杨幂是我最喜欢的女明星哈),那么这个选项都是错的。哪怕是对的,我也不会选,因为在我心中,杨幂是最美的 呵呵! 无耻技巧3:敏感于数字,当定位句中有数字的时候,数字之间的比较就是考点。 For example: Paragraph 9: The muscles of these fishes and the mechanism that maintains a warm body temperature are also highly efficient. A bluefin tuna in water of 7°C(45°F) can maintain a core temperature of over 25°C(77°F). This warm body temperature may help not only the muscles to work better, but also the brain and the eyes. The billfishes have gone one step further. They have evolved special "heaters" of modified muscle tissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these critical organs. 10. According to paragraph 9, which of the following is true of bluefin tunas? ○Their eyes and brain are more efficient than those of any other fish. ○Their body temperature can change greatly depending on the water temperature. ○They can swim in waters that are much colder than their own bodies. ○They have special muscle tissue that warms their eyes and brain. 解析: 第一步先找关键词,关键词是bluefin tunas,这两个词不认识,没关系,到现在我都不认识,直接换成BT就可以了, 第二步回去找定位句,在第二句中首次出现了BT,并且出现了两组数字,那么这两组数字的比较就是考点。 第三步,读明白这句话,在7°水中的BT可以有一个超过25°的核心温度。 第四步,看选项吧, A选项,就是我刚说完的无耻技巧2,more than是错的,原文是说了eyes and brain,也给了很高的评价,说maintaining peak performance of these critical organs. 但是却没有和其它生物比较,所以它是错的。 B选项,无耻技巧1出现了,greatly,谁告诉你greatly了??!!!即使你不会这个技巧,这个选项本身就是与原文相反的,它们的能力是在不同的水温中保持稳定的体温,而不是change。 C选项,无耻技巧3,数字的比较,7°的水 和25°的体温,就是in waters that are much colder than their own bodies. D选项,我之前说的细节题选项的错误特征里面的第三种,比较有迷惑性的,原文有,但是不在定位句之内,关键词是bluefin tunas,D选项说的是The billfishes,考点信息之外。 无耻技巧4:这个算不上无耻技巧,正常的思路吧,原文说A和B不同,B有C特征,那么答案是A没有C特征。这种题比较考读长句的能力,通常形式是 A differ from B,which(B的定语从句,说明B的特征C) 或是unlike A,B怎么怎么有C的特征, e.g. Paragraph 4: With the advent of projection in 1895-1896, motion pictures became the ultimate form of mass consumption. Previously, large audiences had viewed spectacles at the theater, where vaudeville, popular dramas, musical and minstrel shows, classical plays, lectures, and slide-and-lantern shows had been presented to several hundred spectators at a time. But the movies differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program. 6. According to paragraph 4, how did the early movies differ from previous spectacles that were presented to large audiences? ○They were a more expensive form of entertainment. ○They were viewed by larger audiences. ○They were more educational. ○They did not require live entertainers. 第一步,还有找关键词early movies和previous spectacles,你要注意了,early movies就是上面说的A,previous spectacles就是B,那么寻找B的特征就ok了。 第二步,找定位句吧,我说了无非两种 一个differ from的 一个unlike的,很容易找到了But the movies differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program. 第三步,分析,But the movies(A) differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment(B), which(定语从句说出B的特征) depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program. Or后面的成分,我之前说过 a1ora2读一个即可,所以,后面很长很闹心的部分,不读了! 第四步,ABC我们都找到了,回头看选项吧, 选项A 原文没提的 选项B 无耻技巧2 不能比较 选项C 还有原文没提的 选项D did not require live entertainers.不就是没有B的depended on either live performance的特征么 细节题的总结到此为止,技巧的东西要活学活用,自己先看看理解了,然后运用到做题中变成你自己的,做题的时候要不以对喜,不以错悲,给你篇阿拉伯语的阅读按照几率乱选你也能对三四个,所以,每道题都要认真反思,弄清楚出题思路和选项设置,这样才能有提高!不然就陷入了the more you 作,the more you 错的痛苦深渊! Type2 Not/Except型 这类题与细节题关系比较紧密,它的正确选项有两种,一种是未被原文提及的,一种是与原文相反的,我们review一下细节题错误选项特征:1 原文中没有的2与原文相反的3考点信息之外的。大家看到了,Not Except的题就是选择细节题的错误选项的前两类。所以说,它的本质还是细节题,你可以把它当成有三个正确选项的细节题来完成。 先说第一种:未被原文提及的,这类的选项一般都是名词,而且正确的那三个在文中很集中,一般用逗号 或是and连接。对于这类题,我建议大家先看一下选项,帮助我们定位,找到三个正确的,原文没提及的那个就选出来了。For example, In any vertebrate two chief parts of the nervous system may be distinguished.These are the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nevous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, together with their motor and sensory endings. The term“autonomic nervous system”refers to the parts of the central and peripheral systems that supply and regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands Question:all of the following are described as being controlled by the autonomic nervous system Except A connective tissue B cardiac muscle C glandular activity D smooth muscle 第一步,找题目中的关键词controlled by the autonomic nervous system 第二步,找定位句,autonomic nervous system出现在最后一句,这句就是定位句 第三步,分析这个句子吧,regulate就是control的意思,它后面的the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands,就是B C D选项可能会有同学纠结C选项,glandular activity这就是我前面说过的and用法,glands是名词,找前面相同词性的词,是muscle,activity of cardiac muscle,所以把那个句子填充完整就是regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, the activity of smooth muscle, and the activity of many glands,这样这一道题就完成了。 我说一下有些同学作这种题的不好习惯,就是上来不读题直接看选项,然后回去找,找到了三个之后,选择那个你没找到的。是,我刚才说了可以看看选项帮助定位,但是注意,我说的是帮助定位,找定位句还是需要通过问题里面的关键词。用找选项的方法做题,第一浪费时间,第二,你能保证自己不漏掉某些细节么?有没有找到了两个再重新找一次的情况呢? 所以说,还有要用细节题的方式找好定位句,然后再去做题。先看选项只是辅助。 再说另一种:是原文观点矛盾的,以以下三个形式出现 1原文+not 2反义句 3rather/other/without 后面的部分 相对于第一种,这类的题的难度稍稍增加了,第一它的三个选项比较分散,没第一种那么好找,第二它的选项往往是原文提过的,但是加了否定词或者本身在原文就是否定。所以这类题要更难一些。没关系,只要牢记上面的三个形式,寻找这三个形式就ok了 Paragraph 9: The final major human cause of desertification is soil salinization resulting from over irrigation. Excess water from irrigation sinks down into the water table. If no drainage system exists, the water table rises, bringing dissolved salts to the surface. The water evaporates and the salts are left behind, creating a white crustal layer that prevents air and water from reaching the underlying soil. 9. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as contributing to desertification EXCEPT ○Soil erosion ○Global warming ○Insufficient irrigation ○The raising of livestock 第一步:抓关键词, contributing to desertification,contribution翻译成原因就行了 第二步:找定位句,cause of desertification就是原因,所以第一句是定位句。 第三步:分析定位句,The final major human cause of desertification is soil salinization resulting from over irrigation ,over irrigation,看到这我们可以选了,C选项Insufficient irrigation,明显的第二种形式,反义句。 Type 3推断题 问题形式:question中带有infer imply likely。 这类题个人感觉是难点,我自己也纠结了很长时间. 首先说一下这类题的出题思路吧, 第一种:最简单的,相当于比较难的细节题,不是细节题那种直接通过同义转述解题,而且稍稍绕一点,比如原文说two or three weeks,选项就是a few weeks. 原文说 some of……选项是not all. 第二种:不被明确表述的,原文是A>B B>C, 答案应该是A>C, 这类题容易错选A>D,which is 自己主观YY出的那个选项 第三种:最难的,原文说A>B B>C 选项1, A>E 选项2,A>D 选项3,B>A 选项4,C>A 正确选项是第一个,A>E隐含在A>C中,有同学说那怎么办,怎么办,排除啊! 所以,对于推断题,我纠结很久最后的答案就是,只要是推断题就用排除法选择,这类题的定位句一般是两三句甚至是一段,错误选项设置于细节题差不多,原文没提的那种比较常见。这种题也是我唯一一个推崇排除法的题型。看例子. Along with markets days, the institution of twice-yearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities.The fairs provided a means of bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in Philadelphia.Linens and stockings from Germantown, for example,were popular items. It can be infered that the author mentions“Linens and stockings”to show that they were items that A retail merchants were not willing to sell Bwere not available in the stores in Philadelphia C were more popular in Germantown than in Philadelphia D could easily be transported 第一步还是找关键词,Linens and stockings 第二步找定位句,最后一句,.Linens and stockings from Germantown, for example,were popular items. For example提到句首,这里介绍一个重要原则:看到for example往前读观点信息。 我解释一下,for example,例子是支持信息,支持前面的观点,所以例子本身并不重要,它支持哪一个观点?观点是什么?这些才是重要的,所以要往前读找观点信息。这个原则在修饰目的题中尤为重要。 回到我们这道题,往前读,The fairs provided a means of bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in Philadelphia。 集市提供了一个引进手工制品的方法,这些手工制品来自偏远地区,买到P地的欲购者手中。 第三步,挨个看选项, A retail merchants原文根本没提 排除 B 在P地是不可得到的,文章说在P地很流行,是与原文观点相反的选项,那么它也是错的 Cmore than 我不知道你们现在是否有了感觉,排除有more than的选项 有的同学排除了ABC之后狂喜,看都不看D就选了, 自习看看D,be transported,也是原文没有的! 这就给大家提个醒,对于推断题,不管你之前排除了几个,每个选项都要一直对待,挨个分析,切莫排除了ABC选项选D,因为你可能排除错了。 AD是原文没提的,C是more than这些一定是错的,那么再看B,你是否可以把它理解成在P地本身是没有的,是引进的而来的,所以可以说 not available呢?看看原文,L and S,是来自德国乡村的,在P地很流行。所以说它本身在p地没有是很合理的解释。也就是我刚才所说,最难的题,A>E 大家请放心,考试遇到这种题的概率微乎其微,我为什么要选这么变态的一道题呢?就是让大家好好理解下推断题的排除思路,弄明白这个,那种类似细节题的和稍稍有点难度的,都不在话下了! TYPE 4修饰目的题 Question:带有the author mentions, 作者提到某单词或某句话的目的是什么?那一部分会加深背景,标记上 这类题题分两种情况 First,提到的部分是例子,或者细节信息,通常有 For example, such as这些词,在上一个题型中,我提到了,如果有举例的话要往前读,找到它支持的观点。答案就是为了支持这个例子所支持的观点。 比如说:我对她很好。我每个月工资都给她。 问题:why does the author mentions 我每个月工资都给她? 答案:to support the idea that 我对她很好。 以上是正常的解题思路,下面请看 无耻技巧5:当原文中被标记的部分在such as或for example之后,带有 provide example of 的选项,基本是正确的 看具体的例子: Paragraph 2: Sensitivity to physical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art objects. It is often taken for granted that this is also true for the maker of fine-art objects. This assumption misses a significant difference between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their primary purpose is not functional, they are only limited in terms of the materials used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which requires an understanding of the properties of mass, weight distribution, and stress. Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor. These are problems that must be overcome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work. For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof. This was done because the cannonball was needed to support the weight of the leg. In other words, the demands of the laws of physics, not the sculptor's aesthetic intentions, placed the ball there. That this device was a necessary structural compromise is clear from the fact that the cannonball quickly disappeared when sculptors learned how to strengthen the internal structure of a statue with iron braces (iron being much stronger than bronze). 6. Why does the author discuss the bronze statues of horses created by artists in the early Italian Renaissance? ○To provide an example of a problem related to the laws of physics that a fine artist must overcome ○To argue that fine artists are unconcerned with the laws of physics ○To contrast the relative sophistication of modern artists in solving problems related to the laws of physics ○To note an exceptional piece of art constructed without the aid of technology 这类题不用找关键词了,直接给你了,也不用自己找定位句了,文章标记了。直接读定位句,For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof 运用无耻技巧,直接选择A。 正常做题,for example 读前一句,these are problems that…………我之间讲过定从不用读,只读观点。观点就是这些是问题。所以选择A Second,第二种类型,标记的部分本身就是观点,那么找同义转述即可,类似细节题。 Second,第二种类型,标记的部分本身就是观点,那么找同义转述即可,类似细节题。 Eg:Tools themselves can be revealing. Long-handed Neolithic spoons of yew wood preserved in Alpine villages dating to 3000 B.C. have survived; the signs of rubbing on their left side indicate that their users were right-handed. The late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander. In paragraph 5, why does the author mention the Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux? ○ As an example of an item on which the marks of wear imply that it was used by a right-handed person ○ Because tressing is an activity that is easier for a right-handed person than for a left-handed person ○ Because the cave of Lascaux is the site where researchers have found several prehistoric tools made for right-handed people ○ As an example of an item whose construction shows that it was right handed made by a right-person 先找到那句话,The late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander.在L的法国洞穴发现的冰河晚期的绳索是由向右旋转的纤维组成的,因此它是有个右撇子编的。它本身是带有观点的,所以找这个观点的同义转述,直选D。 两种题型的解决方案我介绍完了,有的同学在实战中可能会遇到这样的问题,有一些不带for example 和such as这种明确表述举例的词或者句子,自己又不会判断它是支持信息还是观点,这样的问题比较少,遇到的话,先读自己那句,如果选项里面有同义转述,直接选。如果没有说明是支持信息,往前读。 Any rock that cooled and solidfied from a molten state is an igneous rock.Therefore, if the Earth bagan as a superheated sphere in space,all the rocks making up its crust may well have been igneous and thus the ancestors of all other rocks.Even today, approximately 95 percent of the entire crust is igneous. Question: the author mentions that 95%of the entire crust is igneous to support the idea that A the Earth began as a molten mass B a thin layer of magma flows beneath the Earth’s crust. C the minerals found in igneous rock are very commen D igneous rock is continually being formed 首先看这句话,大约地壳的百分之九十五都是炙热的。其实很好判断它是支持信息,因为带有数字的一定是细节,数字的罗列是为了支持观点的。好,就算你不知道,按照上面的方法找一下吧,ABCD哪个选项也不是同义转述。所以就往前读,找它支持的观点,Therefore, if the Earth bagan as a superheated sphere in space,all the rocks making up its crust may well have been igneous and thus the ancestors of all other rocks. Superheated sphere炙热的球,看A选项,molten mass,就是这个观点的同义转述,直接选。 新的一天到来啦,我家这边还是各种冷啊,so,我继续宅哈! 昨天说了四种题型的常规解法和一些投机取巧的方法,大家要看懂,然后在做题的时候运用它们,不断强化,融会贯通. 闲话少叙,开始今天的内容. TYPE5词汇题 说到这个题目,我在纠结给不给大家讲,我之前说过,内力的修炼,词汇和语法是基础, 再回来看我们的词汇题,考的词汇也很基础, 所以说,这部分每个人都是不应该丢分的.有同学问我有没有什么技巧, 我答,有,微乎其微, 词汇题的考察目的就是考察你的词汇量. 这里我要向大家隆重推荐一份单词资料:无老师镇魂单词题, http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2200 下载地址在这里面,并且这篇日志把使用方法说的很清楚了, 自己看吧! 但是考虑到有些同学即将考试了而内力修炼的不到家, 我还是简单说一下如何来蒙词汇题吧! 我个人经验, 因为研究过词根词缀, 所以靠着词根能蒙个大概. I believe that大多数同学还是米有学过的,所以还是说些大众方法! 先请各位大学生同学回忆(高中的同学不用回忆哈),高中的时候我们做过的完形填空,当那个词你不认识的时候,把它当完型填空去作,有同学说选项我也不认识怎么办,怎么办????听天由命,四分之一的概率!四个都不认识,还考什么试啊,回家背单词吧! 具体的方法,大家看这里, http://www.sharewithu.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=420585&page=1&extra= 因为这类题我并没有什么深入的研究,所以不敢乱说了了,这个是赵丽老师所写,相信对大家会有帮助的! 还是那句话,词汇题,百分之九十考的是词汇量。内功的修炼很重要,招式再好,内力不够就会走火入魔! TYPE6指代题 指代题,顾名思义,问文中代词,such as they, them, it, others, 这些代词指代的是什么,接下来我要给大家讲的东西,可能会颠覆你从前作指代题的思路,相信我,我会让你很爽很high很准确的做对每一道指代题! 无耻技巧1 and 解题步骤1 指代题的选项设置一般是这样的,一个正确的,两个在代词之前的,一个代词之后的,基本上这几个都在文章中出现过。请大家想一下,在文章不同位置出现的词,所以表达的意思就是不同的,如果把它们的位置顺序颠倒,那么一定是不通顺不符合句意的。 举个例子吧:我深爱我的实验室,因为每天都有许多美女师妹来这里做实验。此外,它旁边还有一个很棒的图书馆。It 有许多很经典的小说。 Question:The word it refers to A 实验室 B 实验 C图书馆 D小说 有同学说这还用想么,图书馆呗,是,给你中文谁都能做对,但是给你英文呢,给你托福这种夹杂着大量专业词汇和复杂句式的文章,你能像读上面的话那样通6顺么!! So,开始运用我们无耻技巧1,同时也是指代题的step1:读一下有代词的那句话,然后带入四个选项,选出通顺的一个。其他三个基本是不靠谱的。 看上面的题,it 有许多经典的小说。 带入A 实验室有许多经典的小说??实验室是最实验的,只有实验器材啊 带入B实验有许多经典的小说??更不通了 带入C 图书馆有许多经典的小说,很通顺啊! 带入D 小说有许多经典的小说!!!这是人话么 哈哈哈哈!!! 当你们接受了这种思路之后,给大家一个英文的例子。 These flying reptiles had large, tooth-filled jaws, but their bodies were small and probably without the necessary powerful muscles for sustained wing movements.They must have been expert gliders, not skillful fliers, relying on wind power for their locomotion. The word they refers to A powerful muscles B bodies C jaws D flying reptiles 开始运用我上面介绍的方法:先读一下那句话:他们一定是专业的G(我默认你不认识gliders滑翔机),而不是技巧熟练的飞行员,依靠风力移动。 带入A 有力量的肌肉能依靠风力移动?? 带入B 身体依靠风力移动? 带入C 下巴??疯了啊!!!哈哈 带入D 飞行器,哎呀,这个靠谱! SO,直接选择D选项 无耻技巧2 and step2 当!(学一下小马哥)当你发现四个选项带入了,有两个或两个以上说的通?怎么办?别着急,进入step2 下面我介绍一些指代题常考的结构,熟悉这些结构就能做题了。 1 n1(不可数or单数)+谓语+n2(复数).They they指代的是n2 2 n1,n2 ,they……. They指代的是n2,代词不能跨距 3n1,n2+谓语+ n3. they,, 结构上看不出来,通过句意判断 4n1+谓语+n2 ……that…… 介词+which which指代对象找that,然后找that的指代对象。 5n…….They……,……them. them等同于they,找they的指代对象 以上结构也不用背,你要在脑海里面有个印象,然后做题的时候看到了,知道属于这些结构并能做对题就可以了。 上例题: African American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and their lives in the United States. As they began to strive for social and cultural independences, their attitudes toward themselves changed, and, to some extent, other segments of American society began to change their attitudes toward them. The word them in the paragraph refers to A Americans of European descent B paintings C African American artists D Attitudes 看上面我介绍的第五种常用结构,n…….They……,……them.去前面找they, 然后回到第一步,读句子,当他们开始争取社会和文化独立时,带入四个选项, A原文根本就没有的,直接排除 B 水彩画开始做争取独立?? C 非洲美国艺术家,这个靠谱 D 态度争取独立?? 这样,一般的思路我就介绍完了,这两种技巧结合起来,活学活用。 无耻技巧3 两种常用结构: 1 问others ,去前面找some 2问 another, 去前面找one 这个不多解释了,大家自己写作的时候特别是开头的时候不也是经常用这两种结构么?! Eg:some 理工科女生,天天就知道学习。Others 时不时打扮一下。 Question:the word others refers to? 直接找some,some后面是理工科女生,所以others指代的也是理工科女生 无耻技巧4 几种排除选项的方法 1如果选项存在于插入语,同位语中,那么肯定是错的,我第一讲教大家看文章的时候就说过,插入语和同位语在读文章的时候是可以排除掉的,它们也不可能成为考点,所以,看到了插入语,同位语中的名词,果断排除! 2如果两个选项用and 连接了,那么这两个都是错的,因为它们在文章中是等价的,而选择又都是单选,它们两个一定都不对! 这个我在群里讲过,花……,草and树。It……灌木丛。 答案是花,草and树用and连接了,排除掉,灌木丛为什么不对,涉及到下一个技巧。 3代词只能指代它前面出现过的词,所以排掉在它后面出现的。上题的灌木丛就是错误的。 4 有些词兼有名词动词词性(limit),它们有时候在句中是动词,放在选项里面凑数,看到不是名词词性的,排除 Eg What is particulary meaningful to anthropologist is the realization that although the materials available to a society may to some extent limit or influence what it can do artistically, the materials by no means determine what is done. The word it in the paregraph refers to A realization B society C extent D influence Step 1 读句子,那么用不用读整个一句话呢,没必要,although后面是分立的结构作状语,只读although这段就可以了 although the materials available to a society may to some extent limit or influence what it can do artistically。 这时候无耻技巧四就用上了,extent在to some extent中,插入语,排除C Influence 是动词,排除,只剩AB, 带人A, 领悟可以做的很艺术的?不通顺,带入B 社会可以做的很艺术的很有美感的,通顺,选择B 以上就是指代题的所有解法,指代题的方法要活学活用,每一道题里面可能穿插着几种技巧,没有太过固定的123步骤。 TYPE7 句子替换题 句子替换题比较考察内功,读长句的能力。那么有没有空子可以钻呢?答案是有,很有! 这类句子一般都很长,长句怎么构成,需要很多从句填充,需要连词连接两个句子,需要有逻辑词表达句意,我们的突破口,就放在逻辑词上面。 无耻技巧1 找到句子中的逻辑词,然后对照选项,如果只有一个逻辑词与之相符合,那么直接选,无需看答案。 Eg Although management was pleased with the toughness that Truman had shown and many citizens were pleased that disruption of the economy had been avoided, concern was expressed about the constitutionality of having congress that such a step. A Though some were pleased that Truman had kept the economy going, there was concern about how he had done it. B During the strike, the economy was disrupted, and congress was forced to take steps to fix it. C Because of the effects of the strike on the citizens of the country, it was necessary for congress to make changes to the consititution. D Management took tough actions during the strike; as a result, congress expressed concern about the steps that management had taken. 有的同学拿到了这个句子之后,开始惆怅,开始压抑,这么长,看着都烦了 怎么读!!! 我告诉你,不读,看见although,往下看米有逻辑词了,去看选项吧, A though 也转折 B 没有逻辑词 C 因果 D因果 直接选A,对 就这么无耻!!! 无耻技巧1小贴士:对于这个技巧有一个补充,就是对于因果逻辑关系,选项中往往会设置几个因果逻辑的句子,这时我们要区分哪一部分是因,哪一部分是果,通常会有把因果调过来的迷惑选项 看例题 During that period of time, because of the huge glaciers, sea levels were as much as 100 meters lower than they are today. A since the Ice Age, the amount of water in the oceans has decreased dramatically B During the Ice Age, sea levels were low because of how much water was frozen. C Glaciers have grown tremedously since the last Ice Age D During the Ice Age, huge glaciers displaced a lot of water, causing the oceans to rise. 第一步,找逻辑词,because of,因果逻辑。 有同学一看选项,选A,since!这就是我说的学东西学的太死了,since在这里根本不是因为的意思,而是自从。 A没有逻辑词 B 有因果,保留 C 无逻辑词 D causing 有因果 这样是剩下BD,现在开始使用小贴士,看原句,huge glaciers 是因,BD都正确,sea levels 下降了,是果,D的结果是rise,与原文相反,排除掉,选择B 以上所写,是这类题中较简单的类型,难题是什么样呢,思路和方法是一致的,只是有两三个逻辑,相当于简单类型的堆砌。这个时候我要注意区分主逻辑和次要逻辑。在条件句中,结果是重要的,条件不重要! Eg:我不会嫁给他的,because if 我嫁给了他,我的上司就会不器重我了。 有同学看到了because表示因果,又看到了if表示条件,分不清哪个才是主要逻辑。 来一起分析下,之前讲过的读句子的方法,挑主干,主干是,我不会嫁给他。 Because是连词,连接一个if引导的条件句,那么看这个条件句,if我嫁给了他是从句,主句是我的上司就会不器重我了,主干,要表达的就是我的上司不器重我。 两个句子的主干都挑出来了,那么化简一下这句话:我不会嫁给他的,因为这会导致我的上司不器重我。 看英文例子:He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine-a projector-from him instead of several. ○Edison was more interested in developing a variety of machines than in developing a technology based on only one. ○Edison refused to work on projection technology because he did not think exhibitors would replace their projectors with newer machines. ○Edison did not want to develop projection technology because it limited the number of machines he could sell. ○Edison would not develop projection technology unless exhibitors agreed to purchase more than one projector from him. 第一步,挑出逻辑词,reasoning that和if 一个表因果,一个表示条件,上面解释过了, 因果是主逻辑, A 无逻辑词 B 有because C 有because D unless是条件,排除 一起看BC选项,因部分都是正确的, B的果里面有一个newer machines. 原文没提的排除掉,C选项的limited the number of machines he could sell.是purchase only one machine-a projector-from him instead of several. 的同意转述,选择C 无耻技巧2 关于however的处理,当however 出现在主语,谓语之间或谓语 宾语之间时,把however提到句首,翻译成但是,在本句中无地位不表示逻辑,对本句无任何影响,而表示本句话与上句话之间是转折关系。 Eg 我深深地爱着你。你,however,爱着一个SB。 等价于 我深深地爱着你。However,你爱着一个SB。 所以,第二句说的只是你爱着一个SB! 总结一下句子替换题;首先挑出句子的逻辑词,确定主逻辑,对照选项排除,然后看是否改换了句子的主干。 好累……今天就更新到这里了。还剩下插入题,两种总结题,明天结束! TYPE8句子插入题 这类题貌似给很多同学也造成了一些困.While我研究一些老师的讲义,I find that很多老师讲的思路是错的. 首先请大家想一个问题,为什么不论插入题出现在第几段, 这种题都只存在于总结题之前,存在于倒数第二题的位置呢? ETS是一个很人性化的机构, 试想一下, 如果这类题出现在前几道题的位置, 而你又选错了,那么会对你对文章的理解造成困扰, 影响你做其他的问题. 所以,要把它放在后面.而没有它,是不影响你做题不影响你读文章的. 清楚了以上的问题, 那么请大家想, 既然这句插入的话对文章本身是没有影响的, 那么它到底和几句话相关?? 如果和前后两句话都相关,是不是把它拿掉了, 就会对文章有影响!!!!! 所以,可以盖棺定论了,待插入的句子,只和前后某一句话相关.扭过来这个思路,再作这种题就容易的多, 我看到过很多人,做这类题, 先把句子拆成前后两部分, 然后挨个空找,前一半对上了不敢选,因为后一半对不上,最终战战兢兢的蒙一个!它只能对上一半,你为什么要强求前后都能对上呢? 下面隆重向你推荐句子插入题的几种常规思路和无耻技巧。 常规思路1 当插入句是代词 it they开头时,在每个空之前找是否有他们的指代对象,有的,就是正确的。可以借鉴指代题的思路。(具体的回去看type6指代题) 常规思路2 当插入句是指示代词This these such+名词开头时,找名词的同义概念。 常规思路3 如果开头是thus,however这些有逻辑的副词,按照逻辑关系选择 常规思路4 找小词,插入句中有another, other,also+名词,寻找这些名词的句子,然后通过句意判断插入句是在这个句子之前还是之后,一般是之前。 说明一点:对于插入题,无耻技巧是辅助我们做题的,是帮助我们排除选项的,所以先用常规思路解题才是王道! 无耻技巧1 在段落之前的空,必错,因为每段的中心都在第一句,如果把第一句改变了,也就改变句意了 无耻技巧2 空后有代词they it的,generally speaking,是不对的,代词不能跨距,如果在代词前面加一句话,就会改变代词的指代对象。但是有例外存在,比如这一段只有一个主语,就无法排除后有代词的选项,后面我会举例子! 无耻技巧3 优先考虑段落最后的空,注意,我说的是段落最后的,而不是最后一个空,有时候最后一个空在段中。因为放在最末尾,本身对文章没什么影响,所以,优先考虑这个空。 这种题的解题方法和指代题很像,要各种思路技巧融会贯通,灵活运用。看例子吧! Eg1 Paragraph 1: Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. ■How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? ■Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.■Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale. 12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages. Where would the sentence best fit? 我要你们铭记这道题,因为这道题无耻到了极致,指示代词this+名词,是第二种常规思路,找question的同意概念,有同学看完了四个空,说怎么没有问题的同意概念啊??!!再好好看看,第二个空之前那么明显的问号在那里!直接选第二个!对,就这么无耻 Eg2 Paragraph 7:■The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation. ■The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil. ■This is usually followed by the drying of the soil and accelerated erosion.■ 12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. This economic reliance on livestock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing. Where would the sentence best fit? 还是 指示代词this+名词,去前面找economic reliance on livestock的同意概念,先运用无耻技巧1排除第一个空,然后看第二个空之前也就是第一句,有livestock is a major economic activity,直接选第二个。 Eg3 Paragraph 6: ■Because they are always swimming, tunas simply have to open their mouths and water is forced in and over their gills. ■Accordingly, they have lost most of the muscles that other fishes use to suck in water and push it past the gills. ■In fact, tunas must swim to breathe. ■They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish remain buoyant. 11. Look at the four squares [■l that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Consequently, tunas do not need to suck in water. Where would the sentence best fit? 先看待插入的句子,Consequently,常规思路3,按照逻辑词的逻辑关系,先排除第一个空。看到第一句有because,认为第二个空可能对。再往后看,有同学说第二,第四空之后都有they,排除了选第三个。这就是我刚才提醒过的,当一段只有一个主语,或者说每句的主语都有一个词的时候,这种用其后后代词的排除法就失效了。看这段,每句的主语都是tunas,所以说,不能用代词排除了。 回到刚才的常规解法,运用逻辑关系,选择第二空!带入翻译一下,因为金枪鱼的经常游动,它们必须张着嘴使水流经它们的腮。因此,它们不需要吸水! Eg4 Paragraph 6: Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. █In dry areas the wind is the principal agent of erosion. █It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand. █Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes. █Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind. 11. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Under different climatic conditions, another type of destructive force contributes to erosion. Where would the sentence best fit? 看句子,another type,常规思路四,在空后寻找type of destructive force contributes to erosion. 的同意概念,第一个空,the wind is the principal agent of erosion. 就是。如果你不放心,往下看看吧,第二个,有it,无耻技巧二有代词者排除,第三个even,甚至,不符合逻辑。第四个,有their,代词,排除掉。 这类题就告一段落了,提醒一下大家,因为无论用常规思路和无耻技巧都是一种快速的手段,用这些方法的时候你都没怎么好好读句子,所以,选出来之后,一定要回头读一读,是否通顺。 TYPE9总结题 激动人心的时刻到来了,我们的总结要步入尾声了。 文章总结题,类似于我们的托福写作,老外的文章也是几个论点,然后每个论点加入一些例子细节构成的,总结题就是要我们挑出来这些论点。 清楚了题目的考察目的,我们来看一下选项的设置。 六个选项里面有三个对的,两个不靠谱的跟文章不沾边的,就是细节题那种原文没提的选项,还有一个是细节信息。 先看个例子: 我爱她。First,她很美。她长的很像杨幂。Besides,她身材很好。Last,她学习好,期末时候给我讲题保证我不挂科 选项 1 她很美 2她长的像杨幂 3她身材好 4她学习好 5小明经常挂科 6柳岩身材好 大家很容易选出来134是主论点,而2是细节信息 5文章没提 6 虽然柳岩身材真的很好,但是我们不能选,因为这是原文中没有的 熟悉了选项的设置之后,我就给大家介绍出题思路。这种题,我还是建议大家用直选与排除的方法结合。 直选:读文章每段的段首,注意,不仅仅是第一句话。读到哪里为止呢,当开始有for example,或者开始说在几几年之类的细节信息,之前的部分就是观点性内容。 举例:The opposite of an opportunist is a competitor. These organisms tend to have big bodies, are long-lived, and spend relatively little effort each year on reproduction. An oak tree is a good example of a competitor. A massive oak claims its ground for 200 years or more, outcompeting all other would-be canopy trees by casting a dense shade and drawing up any free water in the soil. The leaves of an oak tree taste foul because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or indigestible to many organisms. The tannins are part of the defense mechanism that is essential to longevity. Although oaks produce thousands of acorns, the investment in a crop of acorns is small compared with the energy spent on building leaves, trunk, and roots. Once an oak tree becomes established, it is likely to survive minor cycles of drought and even fire. A population of oaks is likely to be relatively stable through time, and its survival is likely to depend more on its ability to withstand the pressures of competition or predation than on its ability to take advantage of chance events. It should be noted, however, that the pure opportunist or pure competitor is rare in nature, as most species fall between the extremes of a continuum, exhibiting a blend of some opportunistic and some competitive characteristics. 有同学看到这段就头疼了,这么长,告诉你,不长,就两句话加个单词。 看第一句,相对于机会者的是竞争者。然后第二句描述了竞争者的特点,之后出现了oak,用oak举例。所以本段的主旨就是相对于机会者的是竞争者,竞争者有…………。然后用oak举例说明这些特征! 找到了每段的主旨,去对应选项,选项的顺序是和文章段落顺序相同的,一一对应去选择主旨句的同意转述就OK了。 名门正派的招式介绍完了,下面开始介绍歪门邪道,一些无耻技巧。 无耻技巧1 按照问题的关键词寻找答案。就像我上面的例子,我再说“她”,我爱她,所以正确的选项里面一定要有“她”的出现。 上例题:The technology of modern cinema evolved at the end of the nineteenth century. ◆ 3 ◆ 5 ◆ 6 1、 Kinetoscope parlors or viewing films were modeled on phonograph parlors 2、 Thomas Edison’s design of the Kinetoscope inspired the development of large screen projection. 3、 Early cinema allowed individuals to use special machines to view films privately. 4、 Slides-and-lantern shows had been presented. 5、 The development of projection technology made it possible to project images on a large screen 6、 once films images could be projected, the cinema became a form of mass consumption 其中只有三个选项有本问题的关键词,本问题的关键词是 the technology of cinema. 无耻技巧2 针对细节信息与原文中没有的信息,有不同的排除方法。 先看细节信息 判断一个选项是否是细节信息,要看它在文中的位置,如果它在文中的前一句是观点,而它后面没有支持它的信息,它就是细节信息。比如我上面写的那句,她长的很像杨幂,这句之前是她很美这个观点,之后是另一个观点,说明它就是细节信息。 细节信息的特征:一般存在于举例中,大体有两种,1,事实性内容,事实是用来支持观点的。2 定义性内容,如她是个女的,这只是让你知道,而不是要论述的。 这中排除方法有个小技巧,就是当选项里面有时间,数字的时候必为细节信息,很好理解,时间数字都是具体的信息,都是为了支持论点的。 上例题: This passage discusses fossils that help to explain the likely origins of cetaceans-whales, porpoises and dolphins ◆ 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 5 Answer choices 1 Recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show he link between land mammals and cetaceans 2、The discovery of Ambulocetus natans provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea 3、The skeleton of Basilosaurus are found in what had been the Tehys Sea, an area rich in fossil evidence. 4 Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found 5、Fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found.. 6、Ambulocetus’hind legs were used for propulsion in the water. 第三个:B的骨骼是在T海发现的,明显的事实性内容,排除 第四个:P是……,定义性内容,排除 第六个:A的前爪是用来……,事实性内容,排除 对于原文中没有的信息,这个没什么好说的了,很明显,就是细节题的那种原文没有的错误选项,比如上面的小明经常挂科和柳岩身材很好。 有的老师建议大家做这种题的时候,先排除那两个不靠谱的,再区别主论点和细节信息,我的建议还是先是直接去选择,选看文章的每段主旨去选择,然后结合排除法。这种题技巧没那么丰富,或者是有但是我不会,总之回到我一再强调的,内力的修炼才是王道,技巧只是锦上添花的! TYPE10表格题 这类题考的很少,大家碰到的几率也不高,一般是那种文章本身就在说两个事情的,怎么做呢??还是要会分析文章结构,这个也属于内力范畴,我在考虑这个系列结束以后去写一个如何修炼内力的帖子,有关背单词,读句子,分析文章结构这些! 表格题类似于not except型,一般是7选5,或者9选7.给你两个部分,让你去填充。借鉴 not except 的思路,用哪两个部分给文章的段落分类,然后在分出的各自段落中寻找对应的信息。哎 说的还是好抽象,看例子吧。 GEOLOGY AND LANDSCAPE 1.Most people consider the landscape to be unchanging, but Earth is a dynamic body, and its surface is continually altering-slowly on the human time scale, but relatively rapidly when compared to the great age of Earth (about 4,500 billion years). There are two principal influences that shape the terrain: constructive processes such as uplift, which create new landscape features, and destructive forces such as erosion, which gradually wear away exposed landforms. 这段说了地球表面变化,速度快,有两种力量:1 con 2 de 2.Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological terms. As a general rule, the higher a mountain is, the more recently it was formed; for example, the high mountains of the Himalayas are only about 50 million years old. Lower mountains tend to be older, and are often the eroded relics of much higher mountain chains. About 400 million years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were joined, the Caledonian mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas. Today, however, the relics of the Caledonian orogeny (mountain-building period) exist as the comparatively low mountains of Greenland, the northern Appalachians in the United States, the Scottish Highlands, and the Norwegian coastal plateau. 山是shortlived,1高山,young 2低山 old 3.The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, which float on a soft plastic layer of rock.1 Some mountains were formed as a result of these plates crashing into each other and forcing up the rock at the plate margins. In this process, sedimentary rocks that originally formed on the seabed may be folded upwards to altitudes of more than 26,000 feet.2 Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes, which fracture the Earth's crust and can displace enough rock to produce block mountains.3 A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America. The Cascades are made up of lavas and volcanic materials. Many of the peaks are extinct volcanoes. 山形成的123种原因 4.Whatever the reason for mountain formation, as soon as land rises above sea level it is subjected to destructive forces. The exposed rocks are attacked by the various weather processes and gradually broken down into fragments, which are then carried away and later deposited as sediments. Thus, any landscape represents only a temporary stage in the continuous battle between the forces of uplift and those of erosion. 注意第一句,我们要寻找的东西出现了,destructive force.这说明前面的是con的部分。后面在说erosion 5.The weather, in its many forms, is the main agent of erosion. Rain washes away loose soil and penetrates cracks in the rocks. Carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the rainwater, forming a weak acid (carbonic acid) that may chemically attack the rocks. The rain seeps underground and the water may reappear later as springs. These springs are the sources of streams and rivers, which cut through the rocks and carry away debris from the mountains to the lowlands. 还在说erosion,各种举例 6.Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. In dry areas the wind is the principal agent of erosion. It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand. Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes. Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind. Ice和frost也会起作用,然后living things也起作用,比如树根和草根。 12. Directions: Three of the answer choices below are used in the passage to illustrate constructive processes and two are used to illustrate destructive processes. Complete the table by matching appropriate answer choices to the processes they are used to illustrate. This question is worth 3 points.


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