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In which cases is a comma/period placed inside or outside of parentheses?

核心提示: In which cases is a comma period placed inside or outside of parentheses? shareimprove this question edited Oct 21 & 039;12 at 1

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The punctuation should reside with the text it refers to (in other words, full stops only if you have parenthetical sentences). In general, you should think carefully about whether full stops inside brackets indicate that you need to restructure (there are cases where it is perfectly valid. The point is that often it would be better expressed by reforming the sentences). That last one I struggle with, because you really need (or should I say would like?) two full stops, for two end of sentences.
However IMO, if two full stops should be needed, then only put one outside (does this imply that the bracket serves to complete the sentence?).
资讯标签: or inside outside of parentheses placed


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