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转载:美国读11年级US History (美国历史)

核心提示: 我现在在美国读11年级, 有一门叫 US History (美国历史) 的, 但本人英文太差, 希望有人能提供网址; 书, 让我详细了解下美国历史 从美国崛起一

我现在在美国读11年级, 有一门叫 US History (美国历史) 的, 但本人英文太差, 希望有人能提供网址; 书, 让我详细了解下美国历史...从美国崛起一直到...到...到距离现在不太近, 又不太远的时间. 最好是把那本一丈厚的美国历史教科书翻译了... 我是认真的, 如果答案够好, 够详细的话, 我会最加分数的.The English Settle Jamestown Roanoke Island colony (off the coast of North Carolina) mysteriously disappeared after being established by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585; when resupply ships returned no traces of survivors were found except for the word "Croatoan" carved in a tree King James I granted a charter to the Virginia Company of London to form a colony in the new world The first expedition, consisting of about 105 men and boys, was primarily interested in finding gold; Jamestown was founded in a swamp next to the James River; the location was deliberately chosen away from the Atlantic Coast to provide security from possible attack by French and Spanish warships By the winter only 38 colonists were left alive and John Smith took command, forcing the colonists to begin farming and negotiating with the local Native Americans, the Powhatan 这个是老师给我发的笔记... 我看到眼都花了... 能提供类似这样归纳,总结式的美国历史最好... 不然不及格我就不能毕业了...


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