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University of Minnesota Academic profile

核心提示: Academic profile of fall 2015 admitted freshman applicants by collegeThis table provides a general overview of the middle 50

Academic profile of fall 2015 admitted freshman applicants by college
This table provides a general overview of the middle 50 percentile high school rank and standardized test scores of freshman applicants admitted for fall 2015. Overall, the middle 50 percent of students admitted for fall 2015 scored between a 27 and 31 on the ACT, between an 1830 and 2100 on the SAT, and had a high school rank percentile between 81 and 96.
The data presented in the table are a composite picture of admitted freshman applicants by college; they are not admission criteria. Admission decisions are based on an individual, overall assessment of each application. For complete information on our application review factors, please see our admissions overview.
High School Rank
ACT Composite
SAT Total
Biological Sciences
Education & Human Development
Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
Liberal Arts
Management (Carlson School of)
Science and Engineering
High School Rank (if applicable) - Range of the Middle 50 Percentile of Admitted Freshmen
91 - 99%
74 - 92%
80 - 94%
75 - 94%
77 - 93%
87 - 97%
93 - 99%
ACT - Range of the Middle 50 Percentile of Admitted Freshmen
29 - 32
25 - 28
23 - 28
25 - 29
26 - 30
28 - 31
30 - 33
SAT - Range of the Middle 50 Percentile of Admitted Freshmen (SAT total out of 2400)
1890 - 2160
1750 - 1970
1720 - 1940
1740 - 1980
1790 - 2030
1860 - 2060
2000 - 222


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