UCLA freshman admission profile
2015-09-18 13:52:05
UCLA freshman admission profile[size=1 6em]This is a snapshot of the admitted freshman class for fall 2015
[size=1 15em]Please
UCLA freshman admission profile[size=1.6em]This is a snapshot of the admitted freshman class for fall 2015.
[size=1.15em]Please be cautious in drawing conclusions from this information. Use it as a general guide to selectivity and not as a predictor of your chance for admission to UCLA.
Admit rate — Overall | 17.3% |
| 16,027 |
| 92,722 |
- California Residents (% of admits)
| 58.3% |
| 4.18 |
| 31 |
| 675 |
| 702 |
| 687 |