Wharton Entrepreneurial Management Reading List — Fall 2002
2015-08-29 12:02:06
Reading List — Fall 2002
1 Entrepreneurship Registration and Survey
2 Bhide, “The questions every e
Reading List — Fall 2002
1. Entrepreneurship Registration and Survey
2. Bhide, “The questions every entrepreneur must answer”
3. Stevenson, “A Perspective on Entrepreneurship,” The Entrepreneurial Venture, Chp 1
4. Howard Head and Prince Manufacturing, Inc., HBS (9-388-079)
5. Timmons, “The Opportunity: Creating, Shaping, Recognizing, Seizing,” New Venture Creation, Chp 3
6. Macmillan, “Criteria Used by Venture Capitalists to Evaluate New Venture Proposals”
7. Posner, “Class Pictures,” Inc. Magazine, May 1, 1990
8. Chemdex.com, HBS (9-898-076)
9. Sahlman, “How to write a great business plan,” Harvard Business Review
10. Rich & Gumpert, “How to write a winning business Plan,” The Entrepreneurial Venture Chp 10
11. Urban & Hauser, “Consumer Measurement — A Review,” Design Process Chp 8
12. Kelly, “New Rules for the New Economy,” WIRED Sep 97
13. Fox Broadcasting Company HBS (9-387-096)
14. Porter, “Generic Competitive Strategies,” Competitive Strategy Chp 2
15. “Managing Business Marketing Channels,” Business Marketing Management Chp 13
16. “Rogers's Diffusion of Innovation Forecasting”
17. Moore, “Crossing the Chasm and Beyond,” Inside The Tornado Chp 2
18. Merrill Lynch, “How to Read a Financial Report”
19. Stancill, “How Much Money Does Your New Venture Need?” HBR May-June 1986
20. Siegel, “Financial Plan,” Business Plan Guide Chp 13
21. “Alternative Sources of Financing,“ HBS (9-384-187)
22. Zider, “How Venture Capital Works,” HBR (98611) Nov-Dec 1998
23. “Valuation Techniques,” HBS (9-384-185)
24. Stack, "The Great Game of Business," Inc. Magazine Jun 1992
25. Brokaw, "Twenty-eight Steps to a Strategic Alliance," Inc. Magazine Apr 1993
26. “Choosing the Legal Form of the Business, ” Starting and Operating a Business, Preliminary
Considerations Chp 2
27. Reed Smith, "Protecting Your Intellectual Property," Resource Guide for Growing Companies
• Internet: Background on Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs: (www.wep.wharton.upenn.edu)
• WebCafe: Ernst & Young, "Guide to Producing a Business Plan"
• WebCafe: Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper, “Viral Marketing”
• WebCafe: Ries & Ries, “22 Immutable Laws of Branding”
• WebCafe: “Angels of Capitalism: Technology millionaires funnel money into start-ups,” U.S. News Oct
• WebCafe: Sample Term Sheet
• Internet: Price Waterhouse Coopers MoneyTree Survey (www.pwcmoneytree.com)
• WebCafe: Antiphony’s Relaunch Methodology