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沃顿创业学课程: Entrepreneurial Management

核心提示: IV COURSE MATERIALS Required Bulkpack: The bulkpack required for MGMT 230 is available from Wharton Reprographics It contains m

IV.COURSE MATERIALS Required Bulkpack: The bulkpack required for MGMT 230 is available from Wharton Reprographics. It contains most readings. Additional readings will be available through the WebCafe/Internet or distributed in class. Required Text: There is no required text for MGMT 230 this semester. Management 230 Fall 2002 Course Syllabus Page 4 of 8 MANAGEMENT 230: FALL 2002 COURSE OUTLINE 1. Monday, September 9: Introduction—Course Overview and Content Objectives: • Introduce course and instructor • Review course requirements, materials, syllabus, grading • Complete Entrepreneurship Survey • Assign Value Proposition Exercise Readings 1. Entrepreneurship Registration and Survey Internet: Background on Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs: ([url]www.wep.wharton.upenn.edu[/url]) 2. Wednesday, September 11: Who is the Entrepreneur? Case Study Objectives: • Define Entrepreneurship • Identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur • Contrast entrepreneurship with management • Discuss the role of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in economic development • Assign Idea Paper Exercise Readings 2. Bhide, “The questions every entrepreneur must answer” 3. Stevenson, “A Perspective on Entrepreneurship,” The Entrepreneurial Venture, Chp 1 4. Howard Head and Prince Manufacturing, Inc., HBS (9-388-079) 3. Monday, September 16: Idea Generation DUE: Exercise #1–Value Proposition Exercise Objectives: • Discuss the continuum of Idea!Opportunity!Business Opportunity!Investment Opportunity • Identify processes for generating ideas • Identify critical elements of a “good idea” • Assess requirements to take advantage of an idea • Assign Group Concept Paper Readings 5. Timmons, “The Opportunity: Creating, Shaping, Recognizing, Seizing,” New Venture Creation, Chp 3 4. Wednesday, September 18: Opportunity Evaluation DUE: Exercise #2–Idea Paper (in-class presentation); Team Rosters Objectives: • Market your venture concepts to potential team members • Develop framework for assessing viability of a venture • Compare and contrast a feasibility study and a business plan • Assign Stakeholder Survey/Interview Exercise Readings 6. Macmillan, “Criteria Used by Venture Capitalists to Evaluate New Venture Proposals” 5. Monday, September 23: Opportunity Evaluation; Case Study DUE: Group Concept Paper Objectives: • Describe an idea in terms of a specific product and/or service offering • Assess viability of opportunity: value proposition, economic Readings 7. Posner, “Class Pictures,” Inc. Magazine, May 1, 1990 Management 230 Fall 2002 Course Syllabus Page 5 of 8 6. Wednesday, September 25: The Business Plan — First Look at the Basics; Case Study Objectives: • Define the structure of a business plan • Identify the objectives and target audience of a business plan • Discuss the critical elements of an effective business plan Readings 8. Chemdex.com, HBS (9-898-076) 9. Sahlman, “How to write a great business plan,” Harvard Business Review 10. Rich & Gumpert, “How to write a winning business Plan,” The Entrepreneurial Venture Chp 10 WebCafe: Ernst & Young, "Guide to Producing a Business Plan" 7. Monday, September 30: Market Analysis Objectives: • Contrast primary and secondary research • Identify methods of conducting research for venture Readings 11. Urban & Hauser, “Consumer Measurement — A Review,” Design Process Chp 8 8. Wednesday, October 2: The Business Plan — Structure and Content of Feasibility Analysis DUE: Exercise #3–Stakeholder Survey/Interview Exercise Objectives: • Differentiate the feasibility study and the business plan • Identify requirements for venture feasibility • Discuss feasibility requirements of group concept papers 9. Monday, October 7: New Venture Strategy — Business Models, Revenue Models, and Value Drivers; Guest Lecture Objectives: • Identify critical economic drivers for both revenue and cost • Identify customer value proposition and mechanisms for measuring value • Describe existing value chain and venture’s role and impact on it 10. Wednesday, October 9: Industry and Competitive Analysis; Case Study Objectives: • Evaluate an industry environment • Identify characteristics of an opportunity-rich environment • Discuss critical requirements for initiating ventures in mature industries • Develop framework for assessing competitive advantage Readings 12. Kelly, “New Rules for the New Economy,” WIRED Sep 97 13. Fox Broadcasting Company HBS (9-387-096) 14. Porter, “Generic Competitive Strategies,” Competitive Strategy Chp 2 11. Monday, October 14: Marketing Strategies and Tactics; Guest Lecture Objectives: • Discuss marketing and market strategy issues • Assign Financials Exercise 12. Wednesday, October 16: New Venture Strategy — Timing of Entry; Mode of Entry; How to Compete Objectives: • Identify critical customers, product differentiation, and product positioning for venture • Develop strategy to bring product/service to customer base Readings 15. “Managing Business Marketing Channels,” Business Marketing Management Chp 13 16. “Rogers's Diffusion of Innovation Forecasting” 17. Moore, “Crossing the Chasm and Beyond,” Inside The Tornado Chp 2 WebCafe: Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper, “Viral Marketing” WebCafe: Ries & Ries, “22 Immutable Laws of Branding” Management 230 Fall 2002 Course Syllabus Page 6 of 8 13. Monday, October 21: Financial Planning — Financials DUE: Exercise #4–Financials Objectives: • Identify critical elements of new venture financial statements • Evaluate a venture based solely on financial information Readings 18. Merrill Lynch, “How to Read a Financial Report” 19. Stancill, “How Much Money Does Your New Venture Need?” HBR May-June 1986 20. Siegel, “Financial Plan,” Business Plan Guide Chp 13 14. Wednesday, October 23: PRESENTATIONS OF FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS 15. Monday, October 28: PRESENTATIONS OF FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS 16. Wednesday, October 30: Financial Planning — Sources of Funds Objectives: • Contrast sources of funding for ventures • Identify alternative deal structures for venture financing Readings 21. “Alternative Sources of Financing,“ HBS (9-384-187) WebCafe: “Angels of Capitalism: Technology millionaires funnel money into start-ups,” U.S. News Oct 1997 17. Monday, November 4: Venture and Angel Capital, Deal Structure Objectives: • Identify criteria for evaluating ventures • Differentiate angel and venture capitalist investments • Assess potential risk factors for ventures and impact on investments Readings 22. Zider, “How Venture Capital Works,” HBR (98611) Nov-Dec 1998 23. “Valuation Techniques,” HBS (9-384-185) WebCafe: Sample Term Sheet Internet: Price Waterhouse Coopers MoneyTree Survey ([url]www.pwcmoneytree.com[/url]) 18. Wednesday, November 6: Venture Capitalist Perspectives; Guest Lecture Objectives: • Discuss process of evaluating ventures • Describe operations of a venture fund • Discuss interactions and issues with managing portfolio companies 19. Monday, November 11: Managing Venture Growth Objectives: • Identify mechanisms of and requirements for growth of a venture • Describe effective organizational structures • Introduce Relaunch process and methodology • Discuss the importance of controls for early stage ventures • Implement methodology for planning and executing growth of venture Readings 24. Stack, "The Great Game of Business," Inc. Magazine Jun 1992 25. Brokaw, "Twenty-eight Steps to a Strategic Alliance," Inc. Magazine Apr 1993 WebCafe: Antiphony’s Relaunch Methodology 20. Wednesday, November 13: Operations Systems and Contingency Planning Objectives: • Discuss the operational challenges for entrepreneurships • Review alternative operations strategies for adapting an organization to changes in the marketplace Management 230 Fall 2002 Course Syllabus Page 7 of 8 21. Monday, November 18: The Rules of the Road — Legal and Ethical Issues Objectives: • Contrast the business forms and legal structures for a venture • Discuss issues with corporate governance Readings 26. “Choosing the Legal Form of the Business, ” Starting and Operating a Business, Preliminary Considerations Chp 2 27. Reed Smith, "Protecting Your Intellectual Property," Resource Guide for Growing Companies 22. Wednesday, November 20: Entries and Exits — Career Paths and Business Lifecycles Objectives: • Discuss the role of entrepreneurship in career paths • Differentiate entry strategies • Differentiate harvest strategies for a venture • Evaluate strategies in context of marketplace environment 23. Monday, November 25: Business Lifecycles and Leadership; Guest Lecture Objectives: • Differentiate entrepreneurial and traditional corporate career paths • Identify leadership styles and requirements throughout the lifecycle of a business 24. Wednesday, November 27: Group Meetings 25. Monday, December 2: PRESENTATIONS OF BUSINESS PLAN (ALTERNATIVE: Friday, December 6) 26. Wednesday, December 4: PRESENTATIONS OF BUSINESS PLAN 27. Monday, December 9: Course Summary Friday, December 13: Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs (WEP) Office Vance Hall, 4th Floor. Papers due by 5:00pm (Two copies) Management 230 Fall 2002 Course Syllabus Page 8 of 8 Management 230: Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation Reading List — Fall 2002 I. COURSE PACK READINGS 1. Entrepreneurship Registration and Survey 2. Bhide, “The questions every entrepreneur must answer” 3. Stevenson, “A Perspective on Entrepreneurship,” The Entrepreneurial Venture, Chp 1 4. Howard Head and Prince Manufacturing, Inc., HBS (9-388-079) 5. Timmons, “The Opportunity: Creating, Shaping, Recognizing, Seizing,” New Venture Creation, Chp 3 6. Macmillan, “Criteria Used by Venture Capitalists to Evaluate New Venture Proposals” 7. Posner, “Class Pictures,” Inc. Magazine, May 1, 1990 8. Chemdex.com, HBS (9-898-076) 9. Sahlman, “How to write a great business plan,” Harvard Business Review 10. Rich & Gumpert, “How to write a winning business Plan,” The Entrepreneurial Venture Chp 10 11. Urban & Hauser, “Consumer Measurement — A Review,” Design Process Chp 8 12. Kelly, “New Rules for the New Economy,” WIRED Sep 97 13. Fox Broadcasting Company HBS (9-387-096) 14. Porter, “Generic Competitive Strategies,” Competitive Strategy Chp 2 15. “Managing Business Marketing Channels,” Business Marketing Management Chp 13 16. “Rogers's Diffusion of Innovation Forecasting” 17. Moore, “Crossing the Chasm and Beyond,” Inside The Tornado Chp 2 18. Merrill Lynch, “How to Read a Financial Report” 19. Stancill, “How Much Money Does Your New Venture Need?” HBR May-June 1986 20. Siegel, “Financial Plan,” Business Plan Guide Chp 13 21. “Alternative Sources of Financing,“ HBS (9-384-187) 22. Zider, “How Venture Capital Works,” HBR (98611) Nov-Dec 1998 23. “Valuation Techniques,” HBS (9-384-185) 24. Stack, "The Great Game of Business," Inc. Magazine Jun 1992 25. Brokaw, "Twenty-eight Steps to a Strategic Alliance," Inc. Magazine Apr 1993 26. “Choosing the Legal Form of the Business, ” Starting and Operating a Business, Preliminary Considerations Chp 2 27. Reed Smith, "Protecting Your Intellectual Property," Resource Guide for Growing Companies II. INTERNET AND WEBCAFE READINGS • Internet: Background on Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs: ([url]www.wep.wharton.upenn.edu[/url]) • WebCafe: Ernst & Young, "Guide to Producing a Business Plan" • WebCafe: Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper, “Viral Marketing” • WebCafe: Ries & Ries, “22 Immutable Laws of Branding” • WebCafe: “Angels of Capitalism: Technology millionaires funnel money into start-ups,” U.S. News Oct 1997 • WebCafe: Sample Term Sheet • Internet: Price Waterhouse Coopers MoneyTree Survey ([url]www.pwcmoneytree.com[/url]) • WebCafe: Antiphony’s Relaunch Methodology


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