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托福 综合写作模板分享:

核心提示: 托福 综合写作模板分享: The reading passage explores theissue of… The professor’s lecture deals with the

托福 综合写作模板分享: The reading passage explores theissue of… The professor’s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/shethinks that…, which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture,he/she uses three specific points to support his/her idea. First, even though the reading passage suggests that…, the professorargues in the lecture that … This is because…, which means… Obviously, theprofessor’s argument disproves its counterpart in the reading. Moreover, despite the statement in thereading that…, the professor contends that… Then he/she supports this pointwith the fact that… In other words,… Finally, the professor asserts that…whereas the author of the reading claims that… The professor proves that thisclaim is indefensible by pointing out that… In conclusion, the professor clearlyidentifies the weaknesses in the reading passage and convincingly shows thatthe central argument in the reading,… is incorrect. 分析: 第一段:The reading passage explores the issue of 此处转述总的讨论话题,例如090403的综合写作thereason why the Hohokam people from North America disappeared in X unexpectedly,语法上需要填写名词, 名词短语或者how/what/whether/why引导的从句。Theprofessor’s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she thinks that这里填入教授对这个话题的总的论述点,再次说090403的例子,那就是Hohokam人突然消失的原因是不可预见的。 第二段:First, even though the reading passage suggests that转述文章中的第一个论点,如果论点后面有解释或支持的句子也可以转述在这里。eprofessor argues in the lecture that听力材料中教授的第一个论点,Thisis because教授对这个论点的解释,which means对支持点的进一步描述,如果听的没有那么详细的话可以把前半句转述一下,就是换一种方式描述一下。 第四段:The professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that教授的第三个论点的解释,如果听的详细的话肯定还可以延伸两句,如果实在没有的话也可以省略,字数到这里就已经差不多了。 替换词: Explores: analyzes, examines, dealswith, is concerned with, is about, focuses on, concentrates on, investigatesIssue: subject, topic Professor: lecture, speaker,instructor, the presenter Lecture: speech, talk, the listening passage, thepresentation Deals with: analyzes, examines, explores,is concerned with, is about, focuses on, concentrates on, investigates However:But/Yet/Even so,/Despite that, Thinks: believes, argues, asserts,claims, contends, maintains, insists, states, indicates Contradicts: challenges, directlycontradicts, clashes with, conflicts with, denies, opposes, is opposed to, runscounter to, is exactly the opposite of, is precisely the opposite of, make…seem weak, makes…seem incorrect, makes…seem dubious, makes…seem doubtful,raises doubts about, puts…in doubt, throws…into doubt States: thinks Use three specific points: makesthree specific points, uses ample evidence, offers plenty of evidence,presents sufficient evidence, provides some compelling arguments, shows enoughevidence/reveals three pieces of evidence Support: confirm/back/backup/buttress/strengthen/bolster/advocate Idea: view, opinion, viewpoint, pointof view, understanding, perspective, conception, notion, belief, position First: first of all, to begin with,to start with, to start off with, in the first place Even though: although, while, whereas Because: due to(注意这个后面要跟名词而不是从句) …which means…: …which suggeststhat…/and this means that…/--that is to say,…/in other words,/specifically. (用后面两个的话要注意断句,前面的一句应该改成句号) Obviously: apparently, evidently,clearly(还有很多,但是这三个已经够大家换的了) Disprove: contradict Moreover: second,…/also,…/in thesecond place,…/…as well./…, too./further,…/furthermore,…/aside from…/apartfrom…/in addition to…/besides… Contrary to: in opposition to, insharp contrast to, in stark contrast to, in marked contrast to, in noticeablecontrast to, despite, in spite of Contends: thinks Finally: third,../lastly, …/additionally,/in addition… Asserts: thinks Whereas: while/in contrast/eventhough/although Proves: shows, confirm, verifies Indefensible: very weak, specious,spurious In conclusion: in summary/to sumup/in the final analysis/based on the arguments offeredabove/hence/thus/therefore Clearly: precisely, exactly,correctly (切记不要再用obviously)Identifies: finds, determines, pinpoints, ascertains, discovers, discernsWeaknesses: flaws, weak links Convincingly: compellingly,forcefully, successfully, impressively Show: prove, reveal Central argument: fundamentalargument, main idea, main argument, main point Incorrect: inaccurate, wrong,indefensible, inadequate specious at best, unconvincing 以上就是我们问你介绍的托福综合写作模板分享,希望对你的 托福写作 会有一定的帮助。在接下来的一段时间内容,我们会陆续为大家分享更多托福综合写作模版内容。
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