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Paul Pierce's Guide to going from a 25 to a 36 in ACT Science 科学满分经验

核心提示: Paul Pierce & 039;s Guide to going from a 25 to a 36 in ACT Science Originally, I took the February ACT with about 2 weeks pr

Paul Pierce's Guide to going from a 25 to a 36 in ACT Science Originally, I took the February ACT with about 2 weeks prep, I got as follows: E: 29 M:35 R:28 S:25 Then I took it in September and got: E:32 M:35 R: 28 S:36 Many people have been asking how I did this, and trust me it is true, I used to post under the username@Immanas1997
, this account got banned by Maine because I was posting the lyrics to Ab-Soul's Tree of Life(good song by the way, last line is fire). If you can somehow find the threads from that account you can see that I did have a 25. Without further ado: 1. Practice makes perfect, take science section tests, and only do the science section. When people say that you should simulate the EXACT testing environment, there are two things I disagree with this statement. Do individual sections, and mark them, but do atleast 2 sections in one sitting. Another thing I disagree with, is to find a quiet room to do the work in. I did my work at the library, where there would be some people talking, this made sure that if there was something distracting in the test center, that I would be prepared. Someone farted during my english test, and I got a 32, and during science, I would hear car horns. 2. For the 5- question passage, just look at the question, then the graphs, quickly skim over the graphs. Should take atmost 3-mins 3. For 6-question passage, read the info para it gives, and subsequent graphs, and skim over the procedures and what not, should take atmost 1 min, and about 2-3 min for the questions. So 4 min per. The info para has things like formulas, or presents relationships that are needed to answer the questions. This is most likely under the part where it says "passage 6"(correct me if I'm wrong) 4. So I said the 5-question passages should take about 3 mins atmost each, so about 10 mins for 3-passages. The 6-question passages should all be answered in about 15 mins. That leaves the 7 question section. Because I had so much time, I would read one question, find the answer, and circle, and do this for all 7 questions. However, when I am trying to find the answer, for the first question I start from the first sentence, and end to the point where my answer is. So if there are alot of questions on one viewpoint, then I would have read that passage already, otherwise, you just saved yourself some reading. You will not have enough time to check over, so you might as well make sure that you answer it correctly the first time. 5. A big tip, this helped me alot, was to calm the f*** down. (excuse the language) but really, the answers are all there, if there wasn't a time limit, I am sure you would be getting a 32+, this means you need to work on pacing, for pacing, see number 1. Make sure she is breathing properly and her head is not moving at the speed of light to find the answers, they are all in the graph. 6. Focus. Not much to it. 7. Extension to 5, if you notice that you are taking a long time to finish a couple of passages, it is ok, in one practice test I had to do all the 6-question passages and the 7 question one in 20 mins. If you calm down, you will finish on time, do not try to rush yourself, it'll only make things worse as you are trying to read the info paras. but are not absorbing the matertial. 8. Practice really does make perfect, I prepped for about a couple weeks as well for science, w/o time I was doing well, it was just the time limit that would screw me over, and this is what worked for me. IMO the most important thing though, is to calm down.
资讯标签: to in ACT Science 经验 满分
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