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Transition words and phrases

核心提示: 1 过渡词(一) 连续关系(都是副词)-continuer· Addition递进: futhermore,moreover, in addition· emphasize强调:

() 连续关系(都是副词)-continuer
· Addition递进: futhermore,moreover, in addition
· emphasize强调: in fact, indeed
· explanations解释:that is, in otherwords
· analogy类比:similarly, likewise,also
· conclusion结论: in conclusion
· example举例:for example, forinstance
· time 时间:meanwhile,then,next,finally
meanwhile只能是副词,不可连接两个句子。有两个意思:1)同时 2)然而。主要考前者。
In fact/indeed常用在两种情况:
The first sentence is about general opinion, the second one hasspecific information
Or the second one has superlative (-est)
() 对比关系:Contrast
· 连词:but, yet, while, whereas, though, although, even though
· 副词:however, instead, nevertheless, though, still, otherwise, meanwhile
even so, in contrast, on the contrary,on the other hand
Though is both conj. (=although) and adv. (=however)
When though is a conjuction, dont use comma (or any other punctuation)after though.
though 作连词 之后不用任何符号
() 因果关系:-cause-effect
· 连词: so, because, for
· 副词: therefore, thus,consequently, accordingly, as a result, as such, hence
() 无逻辑关系或逻辑关系不明显,可不用过渡词。
() 过渡词解题方法:
Wherever theconjunctive adverb is, always consider the place of conjunctive adverb tobe the beginning of a sentence.
The adv is used toconnect the previous sentence and the sentence which includes adv.
The adv is not used toconnect the sentence (which includes adv) and the following sentence.
If the place of adv isbetween a main sentence and a dependent clause, still consider the place to bebeginning of the full sentence.
Consider both grammar (completeness of sentence)and logic. If there are two clauses from period to period, there must be aconjunction.
If need to use a Conjunction, onlyconsider the relationship of two clauses from period to period.
First, identify Same direction or opposite direction.
If we use contradictors or cause-effecttransitions, there should be very obvious logic. Otherwise, no transition isnecessary.
If there are several synonyms in the choices,all of them are not correct answer.
资讯标签: phrases and words Transition


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