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Best ACT Tutor / Changes to ACT

核心提示: Best ACT Tutor Changes to ACT [img=0,80]http: cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53 r23 cf1 rackcdn com collegeconfid

Best ACT Tutor / Changes to ACT [img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]
Posts: 29Registered UserNew Member 06-28-2015 at 8:35 pm
edited June 28 in ACT Preparation
Hi everyone. After receiving a 2040 on the June SAT, I have decided to switch gears to the ACT. I have a couple of questions about the ACT: 1. Who do you think is the best ACT tutoring company (Princeton Review, Kaplan, etc) for high scoring people (32-36)? 2. Are there any ACT changes that have been made recently to the test, BESIDES the enhanced writing test? I've heard some people say the math has become harder, the number of science passages has changed, and that the reading now sometimes has parked passages...is that information correct? Thanks. Post edited by golfcashoahu on June 28 ReplyShare on Facebook Replies to: Best ACT Tutor / Changes to ACT
资讯标签: ACT to Changes Tutor Best