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核心提示: ADMISSION Applicants are selected by the Admissions Committee each year The Admissions Committee offers admission to only a s

ADMISSION Applicants are selected by the Admissions Committee each year. The Admissions Committee offers admission to only a select group of freshman applicants who then may begin their NYU studies at the campus in New York City. A smaller group of candidates may be awarded the opportunity to begin their studies at one of NYU’s global academic centers in Florence, London, Paris, or Washington, DC. Transfer applicants are not eligible for admission to the Core Program; Global Liberal Studies does admit a select number of internal and external transfer students each year. The Admissions Committee carefully considers each candidate’s application and gives weight to a number of factors: academic record, standardized test scores, recommendations from counselors and teachers, and essays. The committee also seeks a class that is diverse in all respects and carefully considers the applicant’s special talents, alumni affiliation, geographic location, and more. The committee is also interested in applicants who have an active and sustained level of involvement in school and/or community activities and who have taken on the responsibility of leadership. Admission is highly selective. Applicants must file their application by the stated deadlines in order to be given full consideration. Admissions Process Advanced Standing Credits Enrollment Process Additional Information ADMISSIONS PROCESS Admission to Liberal Studies is based on the quality of the applicant’s secondary school record. Sound preparation, however, should include English, with heavy emphasis on writing; social studies; foreign language; mathematics; and laboratory sciences. The Admissions Committee pays particular attention to the number of honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses the applicant has completed in high school (if offered). The students most competitive for admission will meet or exceed these minimums. The minimum requirements for consideration are as follows: 4 years of English 3-4 years of mathematics 3-4 years of foreign language 3-4 years of laboratory sciences 3-4 years of history/social studies Freshman candidates should submit official score reports for standardized tests: The SAT Reasoning Test (writing test and optional essay not required); or The ACT (writing test not required); or Three SAT Subject Test scores; or Three AP exam scores; or The International Baccalaureate Diploma; or Results from a nationally accredited exam that is considered locally to signify the completion of secondary education, is administered independently of the student’s school, and has been approved by the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions (approved options can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions Website). The NYU Code for the SAT, SAT Subject Test, AP, and TOEFL is 2562. The NYU Code for the ACT is 2838. For students who have taken multiple examinations that meet NYU’s standardized testing requirements, the Admissions Committee recommends that in the spirit of marshaling the best case for admission, students choose which examination(s) they want the committee to review in the evaluation process. If a student feels one type of examination positions himself or herself more favorably, only that examination should be submitted – as long as the results submitted meet the Office of Undergraduate Admissions’ standardized testing requirements. Students do not have to submit multiple test types and should only do so if they want additional examination results to be reviewed. All examinations are considered equally and applicants will not be placed at a disadvantage for not sending SAT/ACT testing. With regard to the SAT specifically, NYU participates in Score Choice, which enables students to elect which tests to send to NYU. If a student does take the SAT multiple times, the committee will only review the highest subsection score submitted – regardless of test dates – creating the highest possible composite score for the evaluation process. Please note that if you submit scores from the old and current versions of the SAT, the scores cannot be combined into a "superscore." For the ACT, NYU will review the highest composite ACT score – regardless of test dates. Students who submit SAT Subject Tests, AP, or IB scores (for students not submitting an IB Diploma) must submit: one literature or humanities score; one math or science score; and a score from one test of the student’s choice in any subject. In addition to SAT, ACT, and IB results, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions considers a wide range of regional and national examinations to fulfill an applicant’s standardized testing requirement. Check [url=www.admissions.nyu.edu]www.admissions.nyu.edu[/url] for the most updated list. Applicants should not assume that any examinations will meet NYU’s testing requirements unless they are listed on the Office of Undergraduate Admission’s Website. Please email [url=mailto:admissions.ops@nyu.edu]admissions.ops@nyu.edu[/url] with questions regarding examinations that are not included on the list online. Test scores or examination results should be submitted directly from the testing organization by the appropriate application deadline. SAT, SAT Subject, ACT, and AP scores must be final at the time of application. For other examinations, if final results are unavailable at the time of application, predicted results may only be submitted by a school official via the Naviance/Common Application Website, mailed on official school letterhead in a sealed/signed envelope, or emailed from a clearly identifiable school email address to [url=mailto:admissions.ops@nyu.edu]admissions.ops@nyu.edu[/url]. NYU reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission if final results are not within close range of the predicted results. NYU also has English language testing requirements for non-native English speakers. Non-native English speaking applicants to the campus in New York are required to submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), or PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic) results, which have been issued within the past two years. Exemption from English language proficiency testing will be given: If the student’s native language is English; or If the student has been studying in a school or college/university where the sole language of instruction is English for at least three years at the time of application AND submit SAT, ACT, AP, or IB testing; or If the student’s education has been completed entirely in schools/colleges/universities where the language of instruction is English. Even if students are exempt from taking the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE exam, they may still submit their scores to demonstrate their English proficiency. Students should take one of these examinations regardless of any other test scores they submit to NYU if they do not quality for an exemption. The TOEFL/IELTS/PTE Academic score will be used in conjunction with, not in lieu of, other required standardized testing. Students should be aware that while NYU does not have any minimum test score requirements, the most competitive applicants score about 100 on the TOEFL Internet-based Test (iBT) and 7.5 or above on the IELTS. Information about the TOEFL may be secured on the TOEFL Website and information on the IELTS is available on the IELTS Website. Note: TOEFL is no longer accepted by the U.K. as evidence of English language proficiency for visa-granting purposes. ALI Testing If your application suggests that you might benefit from additional English-language support, you may be required to complete additional testing through NYU’s American Language Institute (ALI) before you arrive on campus. Based on this test, you may be asked to take additional English-language courses on campus. These courses are typically taken as part of your regular semester load, and only very rarely do they result in additional tuition costs and/or extended time for degree completion. Early Decision Students for whom NYU is their first-choice college are encouraged to apply under the Early Decision Plan. Early Decision candidates should submit the application and all supporting credentials by November 1 for Early Decision I or by January 1 for Early Decision II. NYU’s obligation under this arrangement is to provide applicants with an admission decision beginning in mid-December for Early Decision I or in mid-February for Early Decision II. The applicant’s obligation would be to enroll at NYU if admitted and offered a financial aid package that enabled him or her to attend. Applicants Without U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency Financial documentation is not required when filing an application. If the student is accepted, instructions for completing the Application for Certificate of Eligibility (AFCOE) online will be included in the acceptance packet. Appropriate evidence of financial ability must be submitted with the AFCOE to the Office of Global Services in order for the appropriate visa document to be issued. If the applicant’s studies are being financed by means of his or her own savings, parental support, outside private or government scholarships, or any combination of these, he or she must arrange to send official letters or similar certification as proof of such support. Additional information may be consulted at [url=www.nyu.edu/global/international-immigration-services.html.]www.nyu.edu/global/international-immigration-services.html.[/url] Fee Waiver Our application fee should not discourage any student from applying to NYU. Students who feel that the application fee would be a financial hardship for their families can simply request a fee waiver on the Common Application. Your counselor or school official will be asked to verify your eligibility so alert your counselor in advance to the fact that you have requested a waiver. Campus Visits All prospective students and their parents are invited to visit the New York University campus at Washington Square. Opportunities to tour the University, to meet students and faculty, and to attend classes are available to interested students. Although interviews are not available, a visit to the campus is strongly recommended. Tours of the campus and admissions information sessions are conducted several times daily, Monday through Friday and on select Saturdays. To make an appointment for a tour, an information session, or a class visitation, visit the Undergraduate Admissions Website or call 212-998-4500. It is suggested that arrangements be made several weeks prior to visiting the campus. Students admitted to the Liberal Studies sites in Florence, London, Paris, or Washington, DC for the freshman year of study will be invited to visit these sites in the spring, prior to the May 1 tuition deposit deadline for Regular Decision applicants. NYU Guest Accommodations at Washington Square NYU’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions has partnered with local hotels to offer guests special, discounted rates for their stay while visiting the NYU campus. Reservations should be completed through the reservation forms found on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions Website to ensure the NYU Admissions discounted rate is received. Student Visas and Orientation Matters pertaining to student visas, pre-departure preparation, and orientation programs at the Liberal Studies sites in New York City, Florence, London, Paris, and Washington, DC will be provided to admitted students upon receipt of the tuition deposit. Readmission of Former Students Any former student who has been out of attendance for more than three consecutive terms and who wishes to return to Liberal Studies must apply for readmission. More information about the process is available at Returning to NYU Students who have attended another college or university since their last attendance at New York University must complete a transfer application for undergraduate admission, submit an official transcript, and pay the $70.00 application fee. ADVANCED STANDING CREDITS NYU participates in the Advanced Placement Program (AP) of the College Entrance Examination Board. In accordance with New York University policy, if test results are 5 or 4, depending on the subject examination, the student may receive college credit toward the degree. International Baccalaureate, French Baccalaureate, A-levels, and Abitur credits may also result in advanced standing credit. Credits earned at other colleges and universities before admission to NYU in which the grades earned were B or better may also result in advanced standing credit. Some courses taken at other colleges may not be honored by NYU. In order to receive evaluation by the LS Advising Center of advanced standing credits, students should request that official AP results, college transcripts, and other documentation be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, New York University, 665 Broadway, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10012-2339. The Core Program accepts a maximum of 32 credits of advanced standing. GLS accepts a maximum of 32 credits; however, the structure of the program does not normally allow early graduation. Please refer to "Advanced Placement Credit and Global Liberal Studies Requirements." Advanced standing credits are college-level credits earned before entering NYU. They are submitted to the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions and evaluated by the LS Advising Center. While LS accepts advanced standing credits, the work reflected by these credits will not substitute for any of the LS core classes. The only LS requirements for which advanced standing credits may substitute are mathematics and science. Students should also note that several undergraduate schools and colleges of NYU have different policies on whether AP or other advanced standing credit will be accepted in fulfillment of major and other requirements. Students should consult with the LS Advising Center about advanced standing credits and how they will be counted toward the baccalaureate degree. See also Academic Policies and Procedures. For information regarding the possibility of advanced standing credit for other maturity certificates, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions: 212-998-4500. ENROLLMENT PROCESS To be enrolled, an admitted candidate must do the following: Accept the University’s offer of admission and pay the required nonrefundable tuition deposit. If he or she plans to live on-campus in New York, or at one of NYU’s global sites in London, Paris, Florence, or Washington, DC, for freshman year, submit the required housing deposit. All students planning to begin in London, Paris, Florence, or Washington, DC, are required to live on campus (and thus pay the housing deposit). Have their high school and college (if applicable) forward a final transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. File a medical report. Pay balance of tuition and/or housing fees by the stipulated deadlines. LS students should await contact by their assigned academic advisor about the advising and registration process. International applicants (non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. permanent residents) admitted to LS (the Core Program or Global Liberal Studies) will follow the guidelines listed above and, upon payment of the tuition deposit, will be provided with all the pertinent information for securing a student visa to enroll at New York University. Please note that upon acceptance, non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. permanent residents must submit appropriate evidence of financial ability. See “Applicants Without U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency,” above. Students are advised that registration in other than state-registered or otherwise approved programs may jeopardize their eligibility for certain student aid. All Liberal Studies programs are registered by the New York State Education Department. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Current data on full-time undergraduate retention and graduation rates is maintained by the NYU Office of Institutional Research. For more information about admission, please contact the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions; 212-998-4500 Updated on 10/09/2016
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