Hey CC,
I'm currently going into 9th Grade, and I have taken a few ACT Practice Tests released by ACT. I usually get a 34 composite (34s in everything, Math is sometimes 35 or 36). I am wondering if it is feasible to raise my score up to a 36 Composite. My mistakes are usually questions I knew but made careless mistakes on. Also, are there any good review books/other full-length tests?
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#3[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/userpics/092/nRGNWLV7ZETQI.jpg[/img]HereToHelpYouPosts: 411Registered UserMember06-26-2015 at 9:29 am@staticjava I applaud your prepping so early. Do you want to get the testing out of the way?
The best way to study for the ACT is to practice with REAL ACT tests. There are 5 tests in the Red ACT Book, 3rd Edition. They are old, but you will be able to get a good foundation of the concepts tested.
ACT released several tests in booklet form. Use them next.
TIME each practice session to simulate the real test.
English 75 questions in 45 min.
Math 60 questions in 60 min.
Reading 40 questions in 35 min.
Science 40 questions in 35 min
Score your test, and then review only what you got wrong after each practice session.
If you are practicing and but not timing yourself, the scores you are getting are not accurate.
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