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核心提示: The ACT National Test Dates in the U S , U S Territories, and CanadaTest dates in other countries2015–20162016–2017[table=98%

The ACT National Test Dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada2015–20162016–2017
  • [table=98%,transparent] [td]Test DateRegistration Deadline(Late Fee Required)
    September 12, 2015
    August 7, 2015
    August 8–21, 2015
    October 24, 2015
    September 18, 2015
    September 19–October 2, 2015
    December 12, 2015
    November 6, 2015
    November 7–20, 2015
    February 6, 2016*
    January 8, 2016
    January 9–15, 2016
    April 9, 2016
    March 4, 2016
    March 5–18, 2016
    June 11, 2016**
    May 6, 2016
    May 7–20, 2016
    *No test centers are scheduled in New York for the February test date. **See Non-Saturday testing for information related to this test date.
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