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ACT Test Day Tips

核心提示: Test Day TipsGet plenty of rest the night before test day Dress comfortably Some test centers are warmer or cooler on week

Test Day Tips
  • Get plenty of rest the night before test day.
  • Dress comfortably. Some test centers are warmer or cooler on weekends than during the week. Consider dressing in layers, so you'll be comfortable no matter what the room conditions are.
  • Check your ticket for your test option—ACT or ACT with writing—Reporting Time (normally 8:00 a.m.), and the reporting location of your test center.
  • If you're unsure where your test center is located, do a practice run to see how to get there and what time you'll need to leave to arrive by 8:00 a.m.
  • If you arrive earlier than 7:45 a.m., you might have to wait outside until testing staff complete their arrangements.
  • Bring snacks or drinks to consume outside the test room only during the break.
  • Be ready to begin testing after everyone has been checked in and seated.
资讯标签: Tips Day Test ACT
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