I've taken the ACT 3 times now and the score I got last was a 33. (33 English 36 Math, 29 Reading oops, 33 Science). Can you guys help me out with how to study to achieve my dream score? Any advice is helpful
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#5[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/userpics/435/nRRQ2S11PQ4EV.jpg[/img]chengallenPosts: 52Registered UserJunior Member03-10-2015 at 10:50 am@Roxas3100
I wrote an indepth article on the mindset and strategies you need to get a 36 on the ACT:http://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-act-score-by-a-36-full-scorer
Here are the main points:
-You have to want to improve. You have to work hard. There's no way around this. There are no easy "tricks" to get you those last points. Everyone has different kinds of weaknesses at this level, so a one-size-fits-all strategy isn't always going to help you.
-You need to focus on where your weaknesses are. At a 30 level, you're missing 10% of questions on each section. Every one of these mistakes represents a weakness of yours, and an opportunity to improve your score. Most students don't do this well enough, and so they make the same mistakes over and over again - thus failing to improve their score.
-Think about it like a dental cavity - what you see on the surface is just a small discoloration, but the cavity actually runs deep. The dentist needs to drill and clean out the cavity completely, then fill it - otherwise the tooth will continue to rot.
-Similarly, each question you miss is like a cavity. You missed a question for a reason - either you didn't master the underlying content, you didn't know how to approach this type of question, you made a careless mistake, etc. What most students do is merely understand how to solve that particular question and how to get to the answer. This isn't enough! There's a rot deep down that you have to clean out.
--If you missed a Reading question, for example, this is a chance to figure out what your weakness is. Is it that you misread the question? Or did you miss a clue in the passage that supported the answer choice? Once you figure this out, you need to drill that weakness with more practice until it no longer becomes a weakness. Cleaning out the cavity.
Read the full article for more explanation of these concepts: http://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-act-score-by-a-36-full-scorer
We're also going to be writing specific strategy guides for each of the ACT sections soon, but you can read the ones we wrote on how to get 800 on each SAT section.
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