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核心提示: ABOUT THE ISEE[size=1em][size=1em][size=1em][size=1em][size=1em]During any admission process, no topic seems to provoke as much di

ABOUT THE ISEE[size=1em][size=1em][size=1em][size=1em]
[size=1em]During any admission process, no topic seems to provoke as much discussion or to cause such a high degree of anxiety for both students and parents as the issue of testing. As educators, we have been concerned by the pressure placed on students as a result of the time spent worrying about, preparing for, and taking admission tests. To help reduce this pressure, a consortium of area independent schools has joined with the [size=1em]Educational Records Bureau (ERB)
to provide a common admission testing program.
Students who seek admission to grades six through twelve in the participating schools will take the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE), thus enabling a student to take one exam on a single day. This timed test requires three hours, allowing most students adequate time to complete each section. As several breaks are incorporated into the test format, students should plan to bring a snack.
The ISEE Online Guide will provide you with an introduction to the test, including information on how to register your daughter or son. Additional information is available on the ERB website, [size=1em]http://erblearn.org
. Upon agreeing to use the ISEE as a common testing instrument, the participating schools adopted these guidelines:
  • Students must register three weeks in advance for the test as same-day registration will not be available. Students who are unable to test on the regularly scheduled dates should call the ISEE Operations Office at 1-800-446-0320 for further information.
  • A student may only take the test once. The ISEE will be administered on Saturdays and some Sundays at local independent schools in October, November, and December 2015 and January 2016.
  • Students can take the test at any test sites. The ISEE will be administered on Harvard–Westlake’s Middle School campus on November 21, 2015. Check-in will begin at 8:30 the morning of each test. The test will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and should be completed by 12:30. All applicants for Harvard–Westlake should take the ISEE on or before January 15, 2016. Please register for a testing date as soon as possible because local sites fill up quickly.
  • Harvard–Westlake’s school code, 052135, should be entered on the ISEE registration form.
  • The ERB will provide test results to parents approximately two weeks after the test is taken.
  • Students should not require any special preparation for the ISEE as it is comparable, in terms of directions and items on the test, to tests administered annually in their classrooms. One of our goals in adopting this common test instrument is to eliminate the need for students to enroll in test preparation courses or to receive special tutoring.
Test results are just one factor we consider in gaining a clearer academic picture of each applicant. They serve to illuminate the school record and to provide us with a common denominator, given that students apply to Harvard–Westlake from so many different schools and bring with them their own individual qualities. As the President of ETS, a group that devises and administers a number of standardized tests, once said, multiple-choice tests can’t "...assess the glint in a student’s eye." We wholeheartedly agree.
资讯标签: ISEE
史蒂文森高中 Stevenson School in Pebble Beach, CA

史蒂文森高中 Stevenson School in Pebble Beach, CA

史蒂文森高中 Stevenson School in Pebble Beach, CA



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