[td=199]The SSAT
[/td][td=210]The ISEE
[td=199]Lower Level: for students currently in grades 5-7
Upper Level: for students currently in grades 8-11
[/td][td=102]Test Levels
[/td][td=210]Lower Level: for students currently in grades 4-5
Middle Level: for students currently in grades 6-7
Upper Level: for students currently in grades 8-11
[td=199]verbal reasoning, vocabulary, quantitative reasoning, math, reading, and writing skills (unscored writing sample)
[/td][td=102]Content Covered
[/td][td=210]verbal reasoning, vocabulary, quantitative reasoning, math, reading, and writing skills (unscored writing sample)
[td=199]synonyms and analogies
[/td][td=102]Verbal Question Types
[/td][td=210]synonyms and sentence completions
[td=199]five-choice multiple-choice questions
[/td][td=102]Math Question Types
[/td][td=210]four-choice multiple-choice and quantitative comparison questions (middle and upper levels)
[td=199]Five sections: 1, 25-minute writing sample; 1, 30-minute verbal section; 2, 30-minute quantitative sections; 1, 40-minute reading section (Total of 2 hours and 35 minutes)
[/td][td=102]Test Format
[/td][td=210]Five sections (lower level):1, 30-minute writing sample; 1, 20-minute verbal section; 1, 35-minute quantitative section; 1, 25-minute reading section; 1, 30-minute math section (Total of 2 hours and 20 minutes)
Five sections (middle and upper levels): 1, 30-minute writing sample; 1, 20-minute verbal section; 1, 35-minute quantitative section; 1, 35-minute reading section; 1, 40-minute math section (Total of 2 hours and 40 minutes)
[td=199]yes – you lose ¼ of a point for incorrect answers
[/td][td=102]Penalty for Wrong Answers?
[/td][td=210]no – you do not lose points for incorrect answers
[td=199]Lower Level: Scale of 440-710 for Verbal, Quantitative, and Reading; scale of 1320-2130 total
Upper Level: Scale of 500-800 for Verbal, Quantitative, and Reading; scale of 1500-2400 total
[/td][td=210]All Levels: Scale of 760-940 for Verbal, Reading, Quantitative, and Math
[td=199]SSAT percentile rank between 1-99%; rank based on student’s performance as compared to the other students in the same grade and of the same gender who have taken the test within the past three years
[/td][td=102]Percentile Rank
[/td][td=210]ISEE percentile rank between 1-99%; rank based on student’s performance as compared to the other students in the same grade who have taken the test within the past three years; Stanine score between 1-9
[td=199]Can choose which set(s) of SSAT scores to submit to schools
[/td][td=102]Score Report
[/td][td=210]Can choose which set(s) of ISEE scores to submit to schools
[td=199]National Test Dates:Offered 8 times per year in January, February, March, April, June, October, November, December
Flex Test Dates: Flexible, but can only take one Flex Test per year
Regional Flex Test Dates: Set by regional consortia, but can only take one Flex Test per year
[/td][td=102]Testing Options
[/td][td=210]Offered on various test dates across the United States throughout the year; can only take the ISEE once every six months
[td=199][/td][td=102]More Information