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San Fernando Valley Academy

核心提示: San Fernando Valley Academy High School (Grades 9-12) Since 1961, the first graduation year at the present campus, SFVA has

San Fernando Valley Academy High School (Grades 9-12)
Since 1961, the first graduation year at the present campus, SFVA has graduated an average of 24 students each year from it’s fully accredited high school. They have gone on successfully to all types of occupations and professions. Your child will enjoy developing friendships free of humanism, gangs, drugs and other negative distractions that typify the local public schools. Our Christian SDA staff members have devoted their lives to cooperate with the home and church in preparing these young men and women for life wherever they go after graduation, including college and professional programs. A full curriculum of required and enrichment courses are offered each year including Bible, social sciences, liberal arts, life sciences, physical sciences, math, computers, shop, physical education and music.
Jr. High School (Grades 7 & 8)
As the student enters grade 7 a new world begins to open. Different teachers for different classes, new social experiences new responsibilities and privileges. Your earliteen child will be exposed to Christian teachings and church history in Bible class. Science is experienced both in the classroom and on various field trips. Several off-campus study trips are taken each year. Social activities from banquets to beaches are always a favorite.
Elementary School (Grades 1-6)
With moderate class sizes and close teacher-student relationships, your child’s days are filled with reading, writing, arithmetic, bible, science, crafts, art and music. Two large playgrounds, one paved and one filled with sand are available for outside play supervised by their teachers and aids. The gym and athletic filed are also available when needed. Computers are available in each of the classrooms for enrichment, self-teaching and games. Kindergarten A full-day program is offered to pre-first grade students from 8:00am to 2:30pm All the school’s facilities mentioned above are available to these children Pre-School The Child Development Center is separately licensed and operated for children ages 2-5 years of age. It operates year-round from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. These children have their own dedicated bathrooms and shaded playground area safely fenced off from the rest of the school’s activities. Facilities, Programs and Equipment To support and enrich our educational program SFVA offers:
  • Hot Lunches - A hot vegetarian lunch is provided each day to all students K-12, at a modest charge.
  • Music - Band, choir, chorale and some private lessons are offered.. Several choir/chorale trips are scheduled during the year. NEW THIS YEAR: We have begun a strings program for Grades K-8.
  • Athletics - A 3-acre sports field and a gym provide a place for physical education and special events. SFVA participates in some boys and girls CIF programs each year.
  • Day Care - Both morning and afternoon day-care is available for a modest charge to all students K-12. Students use the library, gym, athletic field in addition to the games, computers and activities in the day-care room.
  • Gardening - A fully equipped, half-acre organic gardening facility is available to all teachers and students to experience God’s creative powers first-hand.
  • Computers - A modern computer lab is used for teaching keyboarding, word-processing, spreadsheet, desktop publishing, etc. to grades 7-12. Computers are also located in the classrooms for enrichment and self-teaching.
An international student with a desire for a Christian education in a Seventh-day Adventist school may apply to San Fernando Valley Academy. In applying for admission to SFVA, the international student must comply with the following requirements; 1. The applicant must complete the application forms and submit them to the administration office along with translated transcripts (AERC is the recommended corporation- [url]www.aerc-eval.com[/url]), immunizations records from birth, physical TB, and three recommendation forms from his/her current school teacher, school counselor, and school principal. A TOEFL score is required too. · Entering grade 9 – Internet-based total 34 · Entering grade 10 – Internet-based total 46 · Entering grade 11 – Internet-based total 55 · Entering grade 12* – Internet-based total 62 *For 12th to be considered for admissions he/she must be transferring from another school within North American region to be considered by admissions committee. 2. In compliance with California state laws, medical and immunization information and TB test results must be completed and returned to the registrar’s office before the student can be considered acceptance. San Fernando Valley Academy requires a physical examination. The following immunization records must be in writing and signed by a physician. The following immunizations are required by the California State Law: · MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella) · DPT series since birth (diphtheria, pertussis/whooping cough, and tetanus) · Tdap booster (students entering 7th thru 12th grade) · Salk or Sabin polio vaccine series birth · A current tuberculosis clearance or X-ray · Varicella (or has had the Chicken Pox disease) · Hepatitis (series of three) 3. A non-refundable application fee of $125.00 (U.S.) and $250.00 (U.S.) for the I-20 is required of the international students. A bank statement is U.S. dollars must be submitted for proof that the family can meet the expense of the tuition. 4. Student acceptance will be based on his/her grades, TOEFL score, and recommendation forms. 5. After acceptance and after the registration fees are paid, the I-20 form and acceptance letter will be issues to the student. 6. The entire year’s tuition and comprehensive fees must be paid in full before the student can start school. All tuition fees are non-refundable. 7. The guardian/host family must meet with the principal to review and sign a contract that outlines the school expectations of them. 8. Before the student can start school, a current passport and Visa with a F1 must be presented to the school official. The student will be required to take a placement exam administered by San Fernando Valley Academy. 8. Before the student can start school, a current passport and Visa with a F1 must be presented to the school official. The student will be required to take a placement exam administered by San Fernando Valley Academy. 9. Students are required to have medical/health insurance with coverage in United States. If student does not have 10. If a student withdraws during the school year without another school requesting their I-20 to be transferred to their institution the I-20 will be terminated. 11. It is understood that every student who applies for admission to San Fernando Valley Academy pledges to willingly observe, in both school and personal life, all SFVA’s regulations and uphold the Christian principles upon which the school operates. 12. All students attending San Fernando Valley Academy are expected to live with their own parents or designated guardian. Students living on their own are not permitted to attend San Fernando Valley Academy. Below is the complete application packet, the Homestay Handbooks, and the CIF physical form for varsity athletics.
资讯标签: Academy Valley Fernando San