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Common Application Essay Option 1 - Share Your Story

核心提示: If you choose this option, spend some time thinking about what the prompt is really asking On a certain level, the prompt

If you choose this option, spend some time thinking about what the prompt is really asking. On a certain level, the prompt is giving you permission to write about anything. The words "background," "identity," "interest," and "talent" are wonderfully (horribly?) broad and vague, so you have a lot of freedom to approach this question however you want.

That said, don't make the mistake of thinking that anything goes with option #1. The story you tell needs to be "so meaningful" that your application "would be incomplete without it." If you focus on something that isn't central to what it is that makes you uniquely you, then you haven't yet found the right focus for this essay option.

As you explore possible ways to approach this first essay option, keep these points in mind:

Read a Sample Essay for Option #1: "Handiwork" by Vanessa

A final note: No matter which essay option you choose, keep in mind the purpose of the essay. The college to which you are applying uses the Common Application which means the school hasholistic admissions. The college wants to get to know you as a person, not just as a list of SAT scores and grades. Make sure your essay captures YOU. The admissions folks should finish reading your essay with a much clearer sense of who you are and what it is that interests and motivates you. Also, make sure your essay paints a positive portrait. The admissions folks are considering inviting you to join their community. They will not want to extend an invitation to someone who comes across as insensitive, self-centered, boastful, narrow-minded, unimaginative or indifferent.

Last of all, pay attention to style, tone, and mechanics. The essay is largely about you, but it is also about your writing ability.
