As the contractor for the new WELPA assessment, CTB/McGraw-Hill is pleased to offer practice tests and practice materials for use prior to your first administration of WELPA. Materials can be ordered online, using the order form shown on the right, or by contacting the Assessment Solutions Representatives listed.
View the PowerPoint® slides of a Webinar for additional information about these resources from the LAS Links® suite of assessments and how each component can best meet your needs.More About LAS LinksLAS Links Benchmarks
The formative, classroom Benchmark tests are available at each grade span of K–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, 9–12. There are three tests at each grade span, and each test takes about 30 minutes to administer. The content is similar to WELPA in domains (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing) and item formats, and the standards measured are similar to the WA ELPA standards. When the three tests are administered over time, progress in each domain can be tracked using the raw score (number correct and percentage correct.) A district can choose to order only one of these short tests to provide practice and familiarity for students prior to the administration of WELPA. Tests can be hand-scored (although software is available for scoring and reporting when multiple tests are being used.)
The teacher-focused Instructional Guidance binders, available for grade spans K–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, 9–12) are three-ringed notebooks that contain lessons and activities designed to promote English language proficiency. Each lesson and activity is linked to standards being measured in WELPA. Each binder also provides illustrative test items for that grade band, organized by standards. The 20 lessons are categorized as Content-Oriented Tasks or Test-Oriented Tasks, and they are grouped into overlapping proficiency levels. The Test-Oriented Tasks are especially useful for providing students with test-taking strategies, practice activities, and sample items. Lessons contain complete teacher instructions as well as black line masters for reproduction for a class of students.
LAS Links, Form A (Paper/Pencil and Online)
Similar to WELPA, LAS Links, Form A, is a full-length English Language proficiency test that measures proficiency in each domain: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing. The paper/pencil LAS Links, Form A is now also available to be administered and scored online by a fully functional, web-based, secure testing engine. In this online version, Speaking items are captured on audio and scored online by teachers; Writing items are captured online and scored by teachers. Listening and Reading are immediately scored. In the online system, reports are generated at the completion of administration and scoring, and data are available for ongoing analysis through disaggregation and re-grouping. The paper/pencil version may be hand-scored, or scored via PC-based software. Both forms provide a complete practice experience for students as well as detailed proficiency scores and skills feedback.