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Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections

核心提示: Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8th Edition By Jane B Reece, Martha R Taylor, Eric J Simon, Jean L Dickey, Kel

Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8th Edition
By Jane B. Reece, Martha R. Taylor, Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan
Published by Benjamin Cummings
Copyright © 2015
Published Date: Dec 27, 2013
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DescriptionIntended for non-majors or mixed biology courses. Soar to New Heights with Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections! ¿ Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections continues to introduce pedagogical innovations, which motivate students not only to learn, but also engage with biology. The Eighth Edition of this market-leading book builds on its hallmarks of accuracy, currency, and a dedication to revolutionizing teaching and learning solutions. This thorough revision focuses on providing instructors with the resources needed to invigorate the course and gives students the tools they need to succeed. This edition includes many new key figures to help students better visualize tough topics, while an increased emphasis on scientific thinking equips students to leave the course thinking like scientists. The book and MasteringBiology® work together to create a classroom experience that enables students to succeed in biology. This program presents a teaching and learning experience–for you .
  • Engage in biology and make important connections between concepts and unifying themes: Immerse yourself in the world of biology with both the textbook and MasteringBiology, so you can understand the connections across biological concepts.¿
  • Focus on scientific thinking: Think like scientists and develop scientific reasoning and literacy skills with new Scientific Thinking Modules and more.
  • Maximize learning and success: Get the tools you need to become skilled at learning and understanding course material. MasteringBiology coaches you through tough topics and helps you to actively practice concepts they need to grasp.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringBiology does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringBiology search for ISBN-10: 0321885171/ISBN-13: 9780321885173. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321885325/ISBN-13: 9780321885326 and ISBN-10: 0321928059ISBN-13: 9780321928054. MasteringBiology is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. ¿¿ Table of Contents1. Biology: Exploring Life I. THE LIFE OF THE CELL 2. The Chemical Basis of Life 3. The Molecules of Cells 4. A Tour of the Cell 5. The Working Cell 6. How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy 7. Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food II. CELLULAR REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS 8. The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance 9. Patterns of Inheritance 10. Molecular Biology of the Gene 11. How Genes Are Controlled 12. DNA Technology and Genomics III. CONCEPTS OF EVOLUTION 13. How Populations Evolve 14. The Origin of Species 15. Tracing Evolutionary History IV. THE EVOLUTION OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 16. Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists 17. The Evolution of Plant and Fungal Diversity 18. The Evolution of Invertebrate Diversity 19. The Evolution of Vertebrate Diversity V. ANIMALS: FORM AND FUNCTION 20. Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function 21. Nutrition and Digestion 22. Gas Exchange 23. Circulation 24. The Immune System 25. Control of Body Temperature and Water Balance 26. Hormones and the Endocrine System 27. Reproduction and Embryonic Development 28. Nervous Systems 29. The Senses 30. How Animals Move VI. PLANTS: FORM AND FUNCTION 31. Plant Structure, Growth, and Reproduction 32. Plant Nutrition and Transport 33. Control Systems in Plants VII. ECOLOGY 34. The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth's Diverse Environments 35. Behavioral Adaptations to the Environment 36. Population Ecology 37. Communities and Ecosystems 38. Conservation Biology