Yale -ACT score
2016-12-21 15:36:11
No Score Cutoffs
There are no score cutoffs for standardized tests, and successful candidates present a wide range of test
There are no score cutoffs for standardized tests, and successful candidates present a wide range of test results. During the most recent year, test score ranges (25th to 75th percentiles) for enrolled freshmen were:
- SAT-Verbal: 710-800
- SAT-Math: 710-790
- SAT-Writing: 720-800
- ACT: 32-35
While there is no hard and fast rule, it is safe to say that performance in school is more important than testing. A very strong performance in a demanding college preparatory program may compensate for modest standardized test scores, but it is unlikely that high standardized test scores will persuade the admissions committee to disregard an undistinguished secondary-school record.