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Duke ACT-相当于拼分

核心提示: ACTFor students who choose to submit the ACT with writing, Duke will consider the highest composite score and highest scores

For students who choose to submit the ACT with writing, Duke will consider the highest composite score and highest scores on each section, regardless of test date, but will not recalculate the composite score. Students who take the ACT are not required to submit SAT or SAT Subject Test scores. Our school code for the ACT is 3088.
If it is financially burdensome for you to release your ACT scores to Duke, then your counselor may submit your scores by fax to 919-668-1661 or by email to [url=mailto:undergrad-admissions@duke.edu]undergrad-admissions@duke.edu[/url].
For students who submit the SAT, two SAT Subject Tests are strongly recommended. Students who have taken the test multiple times may choose which scores to send to Duke. Duke will use the highest available scores in each section, plus the two highest Subject Test scocres, regardless of the date those tests were taken. Our school code for the SAT is 5156.
The redesigned SAT: Students graduating from high school in 2017 may submit either the new or old SAT. Duke does not have a preference for either test, but if you choose to submit both, Duke will consider the stronger score as determined by concordance tables. Students graduating in 2018 will be required to submit the new SAT.
Applicants to the Pratt School of Engineering who take the SAT are strongly recommended to take one SAT Subject Test in Mathematics (level 1 or level 2). Applicants to the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences who take the SAT may take any two SAT Subject Tests. For complete information about the use of SAT Subject Test scores in foreign language placement at Duke, please visit Languages at Duke.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I take both the SAT and ACT, do I need to send both scores to Duke? How does Duke consider multiple scores? We will always consider your highest score regardless of test type or test date, and you are welcome to send us SAT scores, ACT scores or both. Applicants may choose the Score Choice option for the SAT and choose to submit scores from specific ACT test dates. We do NOT require applicants to submit all of their test scores--just the ones necessary to fulfill the testing requirement.
If I take the ACT, can I also submit SAT Subject Tests? Although we do not require or expect SAT Subject Test scores from candidates who take the ACT with Writing to fulfill our testing requirement, we do accept them and will consider them as an additional demonstration of subject proficiency.
If I submit the new SAT with essay and/or the ACT with writing, will Duke consider a higher SAT score or ACT composite score from a test date without writing? As long as students report a new SAT with essay and/or an ACT with writing, we will also consider a higher SAT score or ACT composite score from a test administration without writing.
Will it hurt my candidacy to take standardized tests multiple times? No. However, standardized testing should not become one of your extracurricular activities! We'd rather see you spend your time pursuing your curiosities and interests, and most students don't see significant score improvements beyond their second or third sitting for a given test.
If I took the SAT or ACT before high school, can I use these scores in my application? No. Only testing that is taken in high school will be considered in the admissions process.
If I have taken Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate examinations, what role do those scores play in the admissions process? Should I report those scores officially? We value those scores when available as demonstrations of subject mastery to complement your academic transcripts. You should self-report these scores in your application. We will require an official score report from students who matriculate at Duke who wish to use those scores for credit or placement.
I had my test scores sent to Duke before I applied. Why don't I see them in my Duke Application Checklist? If your test scores were released to Duke prior to submitting an application, and you only recently applied, please allow several business days for us to connect your scores to your application materials. If after that point your scores are not displayed on your checklist, and you have verification from the testing agency that they've been received, you may call our office or send us an email. We will investigate and then respond to your inquiry.
资讯标签: 相当于 ACT- Duke