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The Entrepreneurship concentration at Babson

核心提示: ENTREPRENEURSHIPThe Entrepreneurship concentration focuses on the creation of social and economic value by developing core capab


The Entrepreneurship concentration focuses on the creation of social and economic value by developing core capabilities of idea generation, opportunity recognition, resource acquisition, and entrepreneurial management. Entrepreneurship students will learn to shape entrepreneurial opportunities, assess financial feasibility, while living an entrepreneurial experience.

This experience includes forming teams, constructing business models, talking with partners and customers, assessing feasibility, while launching a new venture or initiative. The skills and competencies gained in an Entrepreneurship concentration are vital for the success of any business or organization including nascent startup, corporation, family, nonprofit, global, franchise, or any other setting. Entrepreneurship concentrators will apply Entrepreneurial Thought and Action® both academically as well as in real world settings. The concentration also provides customized paths for students wishing to specialize in general retail or service, technology, social/nonprofit, family, global, or corporate settings.

Sponsored by: Entrepreneurship Division

Faculty Contacts: Brad George, Erik Noyes, and Joel Shulman

Faculty contacts serve as advisers to those students who have an interest in the given concentration. You should feel free to contact these faculty members with questions.

Required Courses
  • EPS 3501, EPS 3502, or EPS 3503, or EPS3508 ​Entrepreneurship and Opportunity, 4 credits
  • EPS 4510 Entrepreneurial Finance, 4 credits
  • EPS 4525 or EPS 4530 or EPS 4534 Living the Entrepreneurial Experience, 4 credits

At least one course should be taken from the following:

  • CGE 5550 SCOPE Senior Project Course, 4 or 8 credits, cross registration at Olin
  • EPS 3505 Great Entrepreneurial Wealth: Creation, Preservation and Destruct​ion
  • EPS 3515 Family Business Management, 4 credits
  • EPS 3518 Crowdfunding, 4 credits
  • EPS 3520 Managing a Growing Business, 4 credits
  • EPS 3522 Entrepreneurship in Latin America, 4 credits
  • EPS 3524 Made in Japan: Future Technology and Cultural Excursion, 4 credits
  • EPS3532​ International​​ Entrepreneurship, 4 Credits
  • EPS 3540 Raising Money: VCs, Angels and Incubators, 4 credits
  • EPS 3561 Culture, Society, and Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies, 4 credits
  • EPS 3572 Entrepreneurship in Asia, 4 credits
  • EPS 3580 Marketing for Entrepreneurs, 4 credits
  • EPS 3582 The Enlightened Entrepreneur, 4 credits
  • EPS 3584 Social Responsibility through Eco-Enterprise in Turkey, 4 credits
  • EPS 3591 Creating an Enterprising Culture in Your Organization, 2 credits
  • EPS 3620 The Enlightened Observer, 4 credits
  • EPS 4505 (San Francisco Program) Consulting in Technology Entrepreneurship, 4 credits​
  • EPS 4515 Affordable Design and Entrepreneurship, 4 credits
  • EPS 4520 (San Francisco Program) Silicon Technology Ventures, 4 credits
  • EPS 4521 Venture Growth Strategies (previously EPS 3521)
  • EPS 4523 Environment and Sustainable Entrepreneurship, 4 credits (previously EPS 3523)
  • EPS 4527 Social Entrepreneurship by Design, 4 credits (may be taken as co-requisite to EPS 3501, previously EPS 3527)
  • MIS 3515 Hi-Tech Entrepreneurship: Assessing Opportunities and Viability of Hi-Tech Startups or Products, 4 credits
  • MKT 3526: Value Selling for the Entrepreneur (previously EPS 3526), 4 credits
Courses Suggested But Not Required

(These courses do not count toward the Entrepreneurship concentration.)

  • ECN 3615 Money, Banking and the Economy, 4 credits
  • ECN 3635 Technological Entrepreneurship and the Market Economy, 4 credits
  • FIN 3565, Real Estate Development
  • LAW 3500 Commercial Law, 4 credits
  • LAW 3573 Building Contracts for New Ventures, 4 credits
  • MKT 3500 Marketing Communications, 4 credits
  • MKT 3540 Retail Management, 4 credits
  • MKT 3560 Marketing and Developing New Products, 4 credits
  • MIS 3690 Web Technologies, 4 credits
  • MOB 3525 Management Communications, 4 credits
  • MOB 3530 Managing Contemporary Ethical Issues, 4 credits
  • MOB 3560 International Business Enterprise, 4 credits
  • MOB 3571 Accomplishing Strategy, 4 credits
  • MOB 3580 Negotiations, 4 credits
  • MOB 4510 Strategic Decision Making, 4 credits