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考ACT/SAT免托福的学校: Boston College

核心提示: Discussion of Boston College & 039;s Admissions Standards:With an acceptance rate around 30%, Boston College is a highly selective

Discussion of Boston College's Admissions Standards:

With an acceptance rate around 30%, Boston College is a highly selective private university. The school sends out significantly more rejection letters than acceptances. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students, and you can see that most students who got into BC had averages of A- or higher, SAT scores (RW+M) above 1250, and ACT composite scores above 26.

Students with "A" averages and SAT scores above 1400 are most likely to be admitted. Realize that among students with mid-range scores there's a lot of red hidden beneath the blue and green. Many students whose scores and grades are on target for Boston College still get rejection letters. At the same time, keep in mind that Boston College does not have minimum grade or test score requirements for admission--all students who apply will receive careful consideration.

资讯标签: 学校 Boston College 托福 ACT SAT