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University of Wisconsin - Madison

核心提示: Requirements and Expectations Our admission counselors review each application individually and are looking for students who dem

Requirements and Expectations
Our admission counselors review each application individually and are looking for students who demonstrate strong academic ability, as well as leadership, community service, creativity, talent, and enthusiasm. We also consider personal characteristics that will contribute to the strength and diversity of our university.
Academic Course Preparation
Your high school record should demonstrate both rigor and breadth in the types of course work you pursue. A competitive academic record should show challenging advanced-level work, such as AP, honors, or IB courses, in as many areas as possible, while maintaining a strong GPA. The following chart shows the number of years that most admitted students studied in each subject area.
[table=408,transparent] [td]Subject AreaYears [tr=rgb(249, 249, 249)]English4[/tr] Math *4 [tr=rgb(249, 249, 249)]Social Studies3-4[/tr] Science3-4 [tr=rgb(249, 249, 249)]Single Foreign Language **3-4[/tr] Additional Academic/Fine Arts2 [tr=rgb(249, 249, 249)]Total Units19-22[/tr] [/table]
* Math requirement includes at least one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced math, or an integrated sequence of courses. Courses that will not fulfill this requirement include: statistics, business math, and computer classes.
** Students who are not native English speakers can satisfy the foreign language requirement if they were educated in their native language through grade eight.
GPA and Class Rank
Applicants are expected to achieve a high level of performance in the course work they pursue and an increasingly strong academic record. We ask for your GPA and class rank. We also realize that many schools consider GPA on different scales and some do not report GPA or class rank at all. We consider both GPA and rank in the context of your school. We typically see unweighted, academic GPAs between a 3.7 and a 4.0, and a class rank in the 85-97 percentile.
Test Scores
Scores from either the ACT or the SAT are required and must be sent directly from the testing agency. Please note that the writing portion of the ACT is no longer required. Our test code is 4656 for the ACT and 1846 for the SAT. Do not send your results rush (SAT) or priority (ACT); we receive all scores electronically on a daily basis so there is not an advantage to rush or priority delivery. We consider the highest composite score obtained in a single test administration as your "official" score, although we will look at all scores reported in an effort to get a true sense of your achievement. Admitted students will typically score between 27-31 on the ACT and 1840-2050 on the SAT, although there is no minimum required score.
Freshman applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score, unless English was the language of instruction for all courses in all years of secondary school. Our TOEFL test code is 1846. TOEFL must be submitted electronically from the testing service. We do not accept the IELTS electronically. Please have a paper copy of your results sent to our officethrough the mail.
Statement on Score Choice: UW–Madison encourages students to submit all exam scores. It is a benefit to see your complete testing history as part of our comprehensive review, and since we will only consider your highest score (by test date), there is nothing to be gained by suppressing scores through Score Choice. However, applicants are free to use the College Board's Score Choice option for the SAT and/or the similar option offered by ACT.
Extracurricular Materials
Numbers alone do not determine admissibility. We look for students with special or unique talents, who give of themselves, and who learn outside the classroom as well as inside. There is space on our application to list your activities and employment experiences. We also have two personal statements, and we'd like to see two letters of recommendation as well. Use these aspects of your applications to give us a sense of your character, service, leadership, talents, citizenship, and interests.
Required Application MaterialsMusic and Dance Admissions
Students interested in majoring in dance or music must also complete a separate application and schedule an audition for admission. Visit either the School of Music or Dance Program website for application information and audition dates.
Integrity in Applying
Academic integrity is valued in our community and in the admission process. By signing your application, you certify that it is complete and accurate. We hold you accountable to ensure the authenticity and honesty of your application, written statements, and additional materials subsequently submitted.
资讯标签: Madison Wisconsin of University


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