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UCR Admission Requirements

核心提示: AdmissionRequirementsSee the classes, GPA and exams required for admission to UC Riverside As the most diverse University of

See the classes, GPA and exams required for admission to UC Riverside.
As the most diverse University of California campus, we knowextraordinary students come from everywhere. That’s why we created an admissionpath for everyone!
Usethe horizontal tabs below to select what kind of applicant you are. Follow thearrows at right to see your requirements. See international admission requirements.
· Freshmen
· Transfers
· Nontraditional
FreshmanAdmission Requirements
When you enter UC Riverside as a freshman, you open the door toan ideal college experience - exciting, memorable and academically inspiring.Let us show you how to open that door step by step.
Print a Freshman Checklist Print an Out-of-State Freshman Checklist
Am I an incoming freshman?
You are considered a freshman applicant if you are still in highschool or have not yet enrolled at a college or university after graduating(excluding the summer immediately after graduation).
Take Required Classes
You must complete a minimum of 15 college-preparatory (“a-g”)courses:
a. History/SocialScience: 2 years
b. English:4 years
c. Mathematics:3 years, 4 recommended
d. LaboratoryScience: 2 years, 3 recommended
e. Languageother than English: 2 years, 3 recommended
f. Visualand Performing Arts: 1 year
g. College-PreparatoryElective: 1 year
· Finish 11 "a-g" classes before your senior year.
· Take at least 7 "a-g" classes during your junior andsenior years.
· Only UC-approved courses are acceptable.
· You can satisfy “a-g” requirements inother ways (collegecourses; receiving appropriate scores on certain SAT Subject, AdvancedPlacement, or International Baccalaureate exams, etc.).
Earn a Minimum GPA
· If you are a California resident, you must earn an overall GPAof 3.0 or higher in “a-g” courses taken during grades 10 and 11 (includingsummers before and after).
· If you are a non-California resident, you must earn an overallGPA of 3.4 or higher in “a-g” courses taken during grades 10 and 11 (includingsummers before and after).
· You must earn a grade of C or better in all “a-g” courses.
Earn Extra Points for Honors Courses
· You can earn extra GPA points for up to 8 semesters ofUC-approved honors-level “a-g” courses taken in the last 3 years of high school(maximum of 2 year-long courses from grade 10).
· A =5, B=4, and C=3, D or F= 0 extra points.
· Approved honors-level courses include acceptable AdvancedPlacement classes, higher- (and some standard-) level InternationalBaccalaureate classes and transferable college courses.
Understand Our Selection Process
As a top-ranking university, UC Riverside seeks extraordinarystudents and admission is competitive. Using the measures described below, wecalculate an Academic Index Score (AIS). The higher your AIS, the more likelyyou are to be admitted. However, final admission is always determined withinthe context of campus enrollment goals.
· Your grade point average
· Your scores on the ACT with Writing and/or SAT Reasoning Test
· Taking and passing AP and IB courses with grades C orbetter
Wegive extra consideration to:
· First-generation college students (neither parent has afour-year college degree)
· Low-income students (as determined by household size and income)
See Steps 2 and 3 above for required exams and how to apply.
资讯标签: Requirements Admission UCR