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University of Colorado Boulder

核心提示: Estimated SAT and ACT RequirementsWhat are the SAT and ACT requirements for students admitted to University of Colorado Bould

Estimated SAT and ACT Requirements

What are the SAT and ACT requirements for students admitted to University of Colorado Boulder and what score do you need to get in? The tables below describe the SAT and ACT test score percentile profile of the Fall 2013 freshman class.

Data indicates that CU-Boulder regularly accepts students with ACT's of 24 and above. We estimate the school accepting minimim ACT composite scores around 22 in some instances. Students submitting a score at or exceeding the estimated average ACT composite of 26 should be in the upper half of appliants and students with 29 and up have the best chances.

Likewise, reporting indicates the school consistently takes SAT composite scores down to 1060 on a 1600 scale, below which admission should be considered a reach. We estimate some students will be accepted with SAT's as low as 950. The estimated average SAT composite for admitted freshman is 1170 out of 1600.

25th Percentile Score75th Percentile Score
SAT Reading520630
SAT Math540650
SAT WritingN/AN/A
ACT Composite2429
ACT English2330
ACT Math2329
资讯标签: Boulder Colorado of University


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