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Virginia Tech (71)

核心提示: Freshman Snapshot: Class of 2019By the NumbersNumber of freshman applicants: 22,500 Number offered admission: 16,373 Number accep

Freshman Snapshot: Class of 2019By the Numbers
Number of freshman applicants: 22,500 Number offered admission: 16,373 Number accepting the offers of admission: 6,523 Percentage of the Class of 2019 accepting under the Early Decision Plan: 18% Number of valedictorians and salutatorians in the freshman class: 155 Number of freshmen who are participating in the Corps of Cadets: 349 Number of freshmen who are legacies (legacy = parent, grandparent, sibling): 1,588 Number of high schools represented in the freshman class: 1,459 Middle 50% GPA of students offered admission: 3.84-4.27 Middle 50% SAT Reasoning Test score of students offered admission: 1,160-1,340 Middle 50% ACT of students offered admission: 25 to 31
Most popular majors for incoming freshmen:
  • General Engineering
  • University Studies
  • General Biosciences
  • Business (undecided)
  • Human Nutrition, Foods, & Exercise
  • Animal and Poultry Sciences
  • Physics
  • Architecture
  • Math
  • Business Information Technology
From Near & Far
Top 5 home states of out-of-state freshmen:
Number of states and territories represented: 45, 1 territory Countries represented: 40 Number of international students: 476
All data current as of May 15, 2015.
资讯标签: Tech Virginia