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Indiana University (#76)

核心提示: Indiana University Roughly a third of applicants to Indiana University in Bloomington don & 039;t get admitted The great majority

Indiana University Roughly a third of applicants to Indiana University in Bloomington don't get admitted. The great majority of successful applicants have grades and standardized test scores that are at least a little above average. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students.
Most admitted students had high school averages of "B" or higher, SAT scores of 1600 or higher, and ACT composite scores of 22 or higher. The higher those numbers are, the better your chances. Almost no students with "A" averages and above-average test scores were rejected.
Note that there are a few red dots (rejected students) and yellow dots (waitlisted students) hidden behind the green and blue in the middle of the graph. Some students with grades and test scores that were on target for IU did not get accepted. Note also that several students were accepted with test scores and grades a bit below the norm. This is because Indiana University looks at therigor of your high school courses and the quality of your high school, not just your GPA. Also, the admissions folks at Indiana University will in some cases consideressays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation, community service, and work experience. Grades and standardized test scores are the most important part of your application, but these other factors can make a difference in borderline cases.
Estimated SAT and ACT Requirements

What are the SAT and ACT requirements for students admitted to Indiana University Bloomington and what score do you need to get in? The tables below describe the SAT and ACT test score percentile profile of the Fall 2013 freshman class.

Data indicates that IU regularly accepts students with ACT's of 24 and above. We estimate the school accepting minimim ACT composite scores around 21 in some instances. Students submitting a score at or exceeding the estimated average ACT composite of 27 should be in the upper half of appliants and students with 30 and up have the best chances.

Likewise, reporting indicates the school consistently takes SAT composite scores down to 1570 on a 2400 scale, below which admission should be considered a reach. We estimate some students will be accepted with SAT's as low as 1400. The estimated average SAT composite for admitted freshman is 1740 out of 2400.

Estimated Chance of Acceptance by Score

What do these ratings mean?

[td]ACT Score
CompetitivenessEst. Admission Chances
30 and Above
27 to 30
Avg +
24 to 27
Avg -
21 to 24
Less than 21
[td]SAT Score (2400 scale)
CompetitivenessAdmission Chances
1910 and Above
1740 to 1910
Avg +
1570 to 1740
Avg -
1400 to 1570
Less than 1400
[table=98%,rgb(255, 255, 255)] 25th Percentile Score
75th Percentile Score
SAT Reading520630 SAT Math540660 SAT Writing510620 ACT Composite2430 ACT English2431 ACT Math2430 [/table]
资讯标签: University Indiana


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