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Yale University

核心提示: Yale University Description:Established in 1701, Yale (with Princeton and Harvard) usually finds itself high on rankings of th

Yale University Description:

Established in 1701, Yale (with Princeton and Harvard) usually finds itself high on rankings of the nation's top universities. This Ivy Leagueschool has an endowment over $24 billion and a 6:1 student / faculty ratio, so it’s easy to see why. For Yale's strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, the university was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Its excellent research programs have earned it membership in the Association of American Universities.

Yale's library's hold over 12.7 million volumes. Located in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale is an easy train ride to either New York City or Boston. In athletics, Yale fields 35 varsity teams. Not surprisingly, Yale made my lists of Top National Universities, Top New England Colleges, and Top Connecticut Colleges.

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