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核心提示: Tobe considered for admission, you must complete 15 yearlong high school courseswith a grade of C or better — at least 11

Tobe considered for admission, you must complete 15 yearlong high school courseswith a grade of C or better — at least 11 of them prior to your senior year.
B) English
UC-approved high school courses
Four years of college-preparatory English that include frequent writing, from brainstorming to final paper, as well as reading of classic and modern literature. No more than one year of ESL-type courses can be used to meet this requirement.
SAT Reasoning Examination
Writing section: Score of 560 satisfies first three years; score of 680 satisfies entire four-year requirement.
ACT with Writing
Combined English/Writing or English Language Arts (ELA) score of 24 satisfies first three years; score of 30 satisfies entire requirement.
SAT Subject Examination
Literature: Score of 560 satisfies first three years.
Keep in mind thattaking approved high school ("a-g") courses isn't the only way tosatisfy these requirements. You also may meet them by completing collegecourses or earning certain scores on SAT, Advanced Placement or InternationalBaccalaureate exams.
A) History/social science
UC-approved high school courses
Two years ofhistory/social science, including:
· one year of world history, cultures and geography (may be asingle yearlong course or two one-semester courses), and
· one year of U.S. history or one-half year of U.S. history andone-half year of civics or American government
SAT Subject Examination
U.S. History: Score of550 satisfies one year.
World History: Scoreof 540 satisfies one year.
AP or IB Examination
U.S. History: score of3, 4 or 5 on the AP U.S. History exam; score of 5, 6 or 7 on the IB History of the Americas HL exam
U.S. Government: Scoreof 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Exam satisfies a half year.
WorldHistory/Cultures/Geography: score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP exam in EuropeanHistory, World History or Human Geography; score of 5, 6 or 7 on the IB HistoryHL or Geography HL exam
College courses
U.S.History/Civics/American Government: grade of C or better in a transferablecourse of 3 or more semester (4 or more quarter) units in U.S. history, civicsor American government
WorldHistory/Cultures/Geography: grade of C or better in a transferable course of 3or more semester (4 or more quarter) units in world history, cultures andgeography
B) English
UC-approved high school courses
Four years ofcollege-preparatory English that include frequent writing, from brainstormingto final paper, as well as reading of classic and modern literature. No morethan one year of ESL-type courses can be used to meet this requirement.
SAT Reasoning Examination
Writing section: Scoreof 560 satisfies first three years; score of 680 satisfies entire four-yearrequirement.
ACT with Writing
Combined English/Writing or English Language Arts (ELA) scoreof 24 satisfies first three years; score of 30 satisfies entirerequirement.
SAT Subject Examination
Literature: Score of560 satisfies first three years.
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onthe AP English Language and Composition or English Literature and CompositionExam; score of 5, 6 or 7 on the IB HL English: Literature exam (formerly IB HLEnglish A1)
College courses
For each year requiredthrough the 11th grade, a grade of C or better in a course of 3 or moresemester (4 or more quarter) units in English composition, literature (Americanor English) or foreign literature in translation. Courses used to satisfy thefourth year and/or the entire requirement must be transferable. Forlower-division transfer, all courses must be transferable. Literature coursesmust include substantial work in composition.
C) Mathematics
UC-approved high school courses
Three years (fouryears recommended) of college-preparatory mathematics that include the topicscovered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensionalgeometry. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or allof this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eighth gradesif the high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses.
SAT Subject Examination
Math Level 1: Score of570 satisfies the two years of required elementary and advanced algebra.
Math Level 2: Score of480 satisfies the two years of required elementary and advanced algebra.
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onthe AP Statistics Exam satisfies elementary and intermediate algebra.
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onthe AP Calculus AB or Calculus BC Exam satisfies three years.
Score of 5, 6, or 7 onthe IB Mathematics HL exam
College courses
Three semester (4quarter) units of non-transferable college courses in elementary algebra,geometry, intermediate algebra or trigonometry, with a grade of C or better,satisfy one year of the math requirement.
Grade of C or betterin a transferable mathematics course of at least 3 semester (4 quarter units)that has intermediate algebra as a prerequisite satisfies the entirerequirement. Freshman applicants cannot satisfy the entire 3-year requirementwith a statistics course alone.
D) Laboratory science
UC-approved high school courses
Two years (three yearsrecommended) of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in two ofthese three foundational subjects: biology, chemistry and physics. The finaltwo years of an approved three-year integrated science program that providesrigorous coverage of at least two of the three foundational subjects may beused to fulfill this requirement.
SAT Subject Examination
Each test clears oneyear:
· Biology: Score of 540
· Chemistry: Score of 530
· Physics: Score of 530
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onany two AP Exams in Biology, Chemistry, Physics (B, C, 1 or 2) andEnvironmental Science; score of 5, 6 or 7 on any two IB HL exams in Biology,Chemistry or Physics
College courses
For each year of therequirement, a grade of C or better in a transferable course of at least 3semester (4 au in a natural (physical or biological) science with at least 30hours of laboratory (not "demonstration")
E) Language other than English
UC-approved high school courses
Two years, orequivalent to the 2nd level of high school instruction, of the same languageother than English are required. (Three years/3rd level of high schoolinstruction recommended). Courses should emphasize speaking and understanding,and include instruction in grammar, vocabulary, reading, composition andculture. American Sign Language and classical languages, such as Latin andGreek, are acceptable. Courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades may beused to fulfill part or all of this requirement if the high school accepts themas equivalent to its own courses.
SAT Subject Examination
The following scoressatisfy the entire requirement:
· Chinese With Listening: 520
· French/French With Listening: 540
· German/German With Listening: 510
· Modern Hebrew: 470
· Italian: 520
· Japanese With Listening: 510
· Korean With Listening: 500
· Latin: 530
· Spanish/Spanish With Listening: 520
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onthe AP Exam in Chinese Language and Culture, French Language and Culture,German Language and Culture, Italian Language and Culture, Japanese Languageand Culture, Spanish Language, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literatureand Culture or Latin; score of 5, 6 or 7 on an IB Language A2 HL exam
College courses
Grade of C or betterin any transferable course(s) (excluding conversation) held by the college tobe equivalent to two years of high school language. Many colleges list theprerequisites for their second course in language as "Language 1 at thiscollege or two years of high school language." In this case, Language 1clears both years of the requirement.
F) Visual and performing arts
UC-approved high school courses
One yearlong course ofvisual and performing arts chosen from the following: dance, drama/theater,music or visual art
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onthe AP History of Art, Studio Art or Music Theory Exam; score of 5, 6 or 7 on any one IB HL exam in Dance, Film, Music, Theatre Arts orVisual Arts
College courses
Grade of C or betterin any transferable course of 3 semester (4 quarter) units that clearly fallswithin one of four visual/performing arts disciplines: dance, drama/theater,music or visual art
G) College-preparatory elective
UC-approved high school courses
One year (twosemesters), in addition to those required in "a-f" above, chosen fromthe following areas: visual and performing arts (non-introductory-levelcourses), history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratoryscience and language other than English (a third year in the language used forthe "e" requirement or two years of another language)
SAT Subject Examination
U.S. History: Score of550
World History: Scoreof 540
Writing/EnglishCompositions or Literature: Score of 560
Mathematics Level 2:Score of 520
Science (other thantaken for "d" requirement): Same tests and scores as listed aboveunder "d"
Language Other ThanEnglish, third year
· Chinese With Listening: 570
· French/French With Listening: 590
· German/German With Listening: 570
· Modern Hebrew: 500
· Italian: 570
· Japanese With Listening: 570
· Korean With Listening: 550
· Latin: 580
· Spanish/Spanish With Listening: 570
A second LanguageOther Than English: Same tests and scores as listed under "e"
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 onany one AP Exam in Computer Science A, Computer Science AB, Microeconomics,Macroeconomics, Human Geography, Psychology, U.S. Government or ComparativeGovernment; score of 5, 6 or 7 on any one IB HL exam in Economics, Philosophy,Psychology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, or Computer Science
College courses
Grade of C or betterin transferable college courses of at least 3 semester (4 quarter) units beyondthose listed above as clearing any of the "a-f" requirements.


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