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UC Davis的录取分数线

核心提示: Admitted students who made the grade in 2015[table=400] [td=2,1]Academic Profile Ranges represent the middle 50 percent of admit

Admitted students who made the grade in 2015

[table=400] [td=2,1]
Academic Profile Ranges represent the middle 50 percent of admitted students.
[/td] [td=2,1]Freshmen[/td] GPA (weighted)*3.95-4.25 GPA (unweighted)*3.72-3.96 ACT27-32 SAT Total1800-2130 SAT Math620-770 SAT Reading560-690 SAT Writing580-710 [td=2,1] [/td] [td=2,1]Transfers[/td] GPA3.32-3.77 [td=2,1]*High school grade point averages (GPAs) are capped at 8 semesters. Applicants who have taken college coursework or attended schools that offer International Baccalaureat (IB), Advanced Placement (AP) or UC-approved Honors Level (HL) curriculum should refer to the weighted GPA.[/td] [/table]
资讯标签: 分数线 录取 Davis UC


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