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What was your GPA and ACT score to get into UCLA?

核心提示: What was your GPA and ACT score to get into UCLA? [img=0,80]http: cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53 r23 cf1 rac

What was your GPA and ACT score to get into UCLA? [img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]
Posts: 12Registered UserNew Member 05-15-2012 at 1:43 pm edited May 2012 in University of California - Los Angeles Just curious as an aspiring junior with a 3.6 and a 29 on the ACT Post edited by RushingRussian on May 2012
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Replies to: What was your GPA and ACT score to get into UCLA?
Posts: 88Registered UserJunior Member 05-15-2012 at 2:46 pm This isn't the UC GPA because I'm not 100% sure how to calculate it, but 3.71 unweighted, 4.24 weighted, 34 ACT. ReplyShare on Facebook
  • #2[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]bananafreak2uPosts: 271Registered UserJunior Member 05-15-2012 at 2:56 pm Ucla had become ridiculously difficult to get into. I had a 3.83, 4.5 weighted, 35 ACT and was waitlisted then rejected. I know others with 3.3 uw that got in...so i hope everything works out for you ReplyShare on Facebook
  • #3[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]at1994Posts: 16Registered UserNew Member 05-15-2012 at 4:04 pm I had a 3.95 unweighted...4.6 weighted...UC gpa 4.32 and SAT 2010 ReplyShare on Facebook
  • #4[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]jonvstheworldPosts: 94Registered UserJunior Member 05-15-2012 at 4:19 pm 4.0 uw 4.6 w 1860 sat no sat 2 no distinguishing ec got in ReplyShare on Facebook
  • #5[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]iamjen1Posts: 81Registered UserJunior Member 05-16-2012 at 4:20 am D had a 3.99 UW, 4.51 W, don't know UC GPA 2040 SAT, 31 ACT Excepted to both UCLA and USC ReplyShare on Facebook
  • #6[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]Lrn2CoexistPosts: 59Registered UserJunior Member 05-16-2012 at 7:08 am Dunno how to calculate UC GPA but I had a 4.24 cumulative weighted GPA for HS and a 32 ACT. Waitlisted --> Accepted. ReplyShare on Facebook
  • #7[img=0,80]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/collegeconfidential.vanillaforums.com/avataradf8105bfb40a791ca5f6984ff9ce835.png[/img]carschPosts: 28Registered UserNew Member 05-18-2012 at 8:03 am I worry that this kind of question about score thresholds risks leaving you with a false impression regarding UCLA admissions (as well as at other highly competitive schools). Comparing your numbers to others is always interesting, but it's ultimately pointless because admitted students' GPAs and scores are truly all over the board. We learned firsthand this year that the college admissions process is an (unintentionally) cruel, unfair process and at times can even seem random. It might be more useful to peruse the threads with responses from both admitted and denied students and see the broad range of GPAs/test scores for both. Frequently, you'll see high scores associated with denied students. My daughter was thrilled to be admitted to UCLA as well as other highly competitive schools, and to (finally!) answer your question, she had an ACT of 30 and GPA of 4.0. These are in the lower range of what would be expected for UCLA admission, but she has a unique background and strong ECs. Sadly, MANY of her good friends, who were hardworking, extremely high-achieving, interesting and very well-rounded kids with MUCH higher scores than my daughter, were denied admission. All of us parents were left scratching our heads, wondering how these admissions decisions are made. Bottom line is, there really is no formula or number over which you're likely to get in. It just doesn't work that way. Sorry, I know you said you were "just curious" about others' scores so hopefully this tangent I just went off on doesn't offend you, but I feel for you because my daughter and her friends were, naturally, focused on the same question last year. Of course your GPA and scores have to be in the ballpark, but it seems that the majority of the decision will not be dependent on a high GPA or test scores. I hope you will be very happy with all your admissions decisions at this time next year. It's hard to believe now, but it really will be over relatively soon and things have a way of working out for the best! ReplyShare on Facebook
    资讯标签: get to into UCLA score ACT