Everyone knows that Peter Drucker was the founder of modern management. But how do we come to terms with the writings of a man who wrote 39 books? Even to read his 811-page classic, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (1973) or the revised edition of 572 pages (2008), is more than most readers get round to. Inevitably most of us pick and choose.
An excellent introduction to Drucker’s thinking—and one of the real “raisins in the cake”— which was recently flagged by Jim Hays, is Peter Drucker’s nine-page paper for The Economist in November 2001: “Will The Corporation Survive?” Drucker’s answer to his own question was: “Yes, but not in the form that we know it.” The paper was incorporated into the 2008 edition of Drucker’s Management, but it is also available here.
Five basic assumptions of the 20th Century
The paper, written 13 years ago, is almost as fresh as if it was written yesterday. It argues that for “most of the time since the corporation was invented around 1870, the following five basic points have been assumed to apply:”
- “The corporation is the ‘master’, the employee is the ‘servant’, because the corporation owns the means of production… “
- “The great majority of employees work full-time for the corporation… “
- “The most efficient way to produce anything is to bring together under one management as many as possible of the activities needed to turn out the product,” because, as Ronald Coase argued, this lowers transaction costs.
- “Suppliers and especially manufacturers have market power because they have information about a product or a service that the customer does not and cannot have… “
- “To any one particular technology pertains one and only one industry, and conversely, to any one particular industry pertains one and only one technology.”
Competition was very orderly with “everything in its place.” Thus “everybody took it for granted that every product or service had a specific application, and that for every application there was a specific product or material… Competition therefore took place mainly within an industry. By and large, it was obvious what the business of a given company was and what its markets were.”
The assumptions upended
Now, each of those assumptions has been turned upside down:
- The corporation is no longer the master of the employee because “the means of production is knowledge, which is owned by knowledge workers and is highly portable.”
- “A growing number of people who work for an organisation will not be full-time employees but part-timers, temporaries, consultants or contractors… or employees of, an outsourcing contractor.”
- It no longer makes sense to bring everything under one management, because (a) “the knowledge needed for any activity has become highly specialised. It is therefore increasingly expensive, and also increasingly difficult, to maintain.” (b) Transaction costs are drastically reduced, particularly the cost communications.
- “The customer now has the information…. the manufacturer will cease to be a seller and instead become a buyer for the customer.”
- “There are few unique technologies. Increasingly, the knowledge needed in a given industry comes out of some totally different technology.”
“One thing is almost certain: in future,” Drucker wrote, “there will be not one kind of corporation but several different ones.” In the 20th Century, banks everywhere were very much alike and so were hospitals and retailers. In future, “different banks may be quite different from one another, depending on how each of them responds to the changes in its workforce, technology and markets. A number of different models is likely to emerge…” Confederations of different kinds of organizations will emerge.
Top management is powerful but failing
Drucker saw that the importance of top management would increase in this emerging world:
“As the corporation moves towards a confederation or a syndicate, it will increasingly need a top management that is separate, powerful and accountable. This top management’s responsibilities will cover the entire organisation’s direction, planning, strategy, values and principles; its structure and its relationship between its various members; its alliances, partnerships and joint ventures; and its research, design and innovation.”
Yet while the demands on top management were increasing, Drucker saw that top management was not getting the job done.
“The recent failure rate of chief executives in big American companies points in the same direction. A large proportion of CEOs of such companies appointed in the past ten years were fired as failures within a year or two… This suggests that the jobs they took on had become undoable. The American record suggests not human failure but systems failure. Top management in big organisations needs a new concept.”
Drucker cites a few possible examples of rearranging managerial responsibilities at the top. With the wisdom of hindsight, none of them look particularly plausible or sustainable, e.g. GE under Jack Welch.
The failure of top management relates less to any particular configuration of management responsibilities and more to another of Drucker’s central themes: the role of the corporation in society.
The role of the corporation in society
Drucker had a clear vision of the corporation as an agent of society:
“An equally important task for top management in the next society’s corporation will be to balance the three dimensions of the corporation: as an economic organisation, as a human organisation and as an increasingly important social organisation. Each of the three models of the corporation developed in the past half-century stressed one of these dimensions and subordinated the other two. The German model of the “social market economy” put the emphasis on the social dimension, the Japanese one on the human dimension and the American one (“shareholder sovereignty”) on the economic dimension.”
“None of the three is adequate on its own. The German model achieved both economic success and social stability, but at the price of high unemployment and dangerous labour-market rigidity. The Japanese model was strikingly successful for 20 years, but faltered at the first serious challenge; indeed it has become a major obstacle to recovery from Japan’s present recession. Shareholder sovereignty is also bound to flounder. It is a fair-weather model that works well only in times of prosperity.”
Interestingly, Germany took action to deal with the issue of labor flexibility, and this one of the key success factors for Germany today. Meanwhile most big US corporations are still wedded to shareholder sovereignty.
A different kind of leadership is needed
“Corporations will have to pay attention,” Drucker argued, “both to their short-term business results and to their long-term performance…”
Drucker’s hope was that the pension funds and mutual funds would lead the way.
“By 2000, pension funds and mutual funds had come to own the majority of the share capital of America’s large companies. This has given shareholders the power to demand short-term rewards. But the need for a secure retirement income will increasingly focus people’s minds on the future value of the investment.”
What Drucker didn’t fully foresee is that the managers of pension funds and mutual funds would themselves have powerful incentives to focus on short-term shareholder value and the stock price. Their compensation is often geared to it, and the success of their fund sometimes depends on it–at least in the near term.
Nor could he have foreseen the massive shift in CEO compensation that was to occur by 2014. “In 1993, some 20 percent of executive compensation was based on stock,” Eduardo Porter wrote recently in the NYT. “Today, equity accounts for about 60 percent of the remuneration of executives at companies in the S&P 500-stock index. With so much money tied up in stock options and the like, it is not surprising that executives will do almost anything to give their share price a boost regardless of what costs this might incur after their options have vested.”
Nor could Drucker have foreseen how severely the system would be degraded by self-interest. Thus in a recent study published in the Accounting Review, an astonishing 62 percent of directors, who had a disclosed friendship with the CEO, said they would cut the budget for research and development in order to assure the bonus for their friend, the CEO. Instead of senior managers acting as responsible stewards of societal resources, as Drucker optimistically envisaged, we see leaders driven by greed and nepotism. Instead of wise statesmen capable of balancing social interests, we have inherited the mean-spirited and the narrow-minded.