Jump to a course:
- ENGR 140A Leadership of Technology Ventures
- ENGR 140B Leadership of Technology Ventures
- ENGR 140C Leadership of Technology Ventures
- ENGR 145 Technology Entrepreneurship
- MS&E 140 Accounting for Managers and Entrepreneurs (MS&E 240)
- MS&E 175 Innovation, Creativity, and Change
- MS&E 177 Engineering Innovation
- MS&E 178 The Spirit of Entrepreneurship
- MS&E 180 Organizations: Theory and Management
- ME 208 Patent Law and Strategy for Innovators and Entrepreneurs (MS&E 278)
- ENGR 245 Technology Entrepreneurship and Lean Startups
- MS&E 270 Strategy in Technology-Based Companies
- MS&E 271 Global Entrepreneurial Marketing
- MS&E 273 Technology Venture Formation
- MS&E 276 Entrepreneurial Management and Finance
- MS&E 277 Creativity and Innovation
- MS&E 279A Entrepreneurial Leadership
- MS&E 279B Entrepreneurial Leadership
- MS&E 280 Organizational Behavior: Evidence in Action
- MS&E 283 Scaling up Excellence in Organizations
- MS&E 371 Innovation and Strategic Change
- MS&E 372 Entrepreneurship Doctoral Research Seminar
- MS&E 376 Strategy Doctoral Research Seminar
- MS&E 472 Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders’ Seminar
- MS&E 476 Entrepreneurship Through the Lens of Venture Capital: Venture Capital From Past to Present