1 M :Mary ,I lent you acouple of videos last week. I'd like to pass them on to another student today
W:I have one in my bag ,but could I keep the other one untiltomorrow ?I haven't quite finished it yet
Q: what does the woman imply?
2M:Is there a discount if I take a student ID card?
M: Oh, let me see I need to check Just a second.
Q what can be inferred about the woman?
3W:Didn't you say your brother used to come to this school before you did?
M: Yeah the sure did. And my sister will star next fall.
Q : What does the man mean
4M:I've been looking to buy a red sweater.But I can't find one anywhere in town
W: You know. I just saw one in campus store. And it looked like itmay be your size
Q: What does the woman say about the campus store..
5W:Can I use your computer this afternoon? Every time I go to the library ,noneof the ones there are free
M :I've got a big project to finishtomorrow. Is there anyone else you canask?
Q: what can be inferred from the conversation?
6M:Nancy, remember yesterday you asked me to pay your phone bill ?I forgot
W: What !Yesterday was the last day of the month. Now I have to payan extra free
Q: What does the woman mean?
7W:What happened? We were supposed to meet here at 5 I've been waiting for youalmost 20 minutes
M: Sorry. I was working all day for my history paper and I got toso wrapped up in the research that I completely lost track of the time.
Q: What does the man mean?
8M:I wish I could help you. I'm not really good with computers. Whenever I havea problem with my computer,I just turn the whole thing off and then start allover again.
W: Well,I try that already about a dozen times.
Q: what can be inferred about the conversation?
9M:I'm really enjoying that literature with Professor Benson. Was the lecturethis morning interesting?
W: To tell you the truth, I was so exhausted from staying up last night tofinish the reading that I didn't get much out of it
Q: what does the woman mean?
10M:I'm looking for a gift for a friend of mine .Any suggestions?
W: Well, I have to know a little bit about your friend first. It'shard for me to say otherwise.
Q :what does the woman imply the man should do?
11M:Why are you lugging that heavy history books around? Don't youknow you can read it all on a computer?
W: Yeah. But that' not for me. There's something about the few ofthe printed page that just appeals to me.
Q: what does the woman mean ?
12 W: Look at this place. It's a complete mess .my roommate never helps cleananything. She's always on the phone and...
M: It's sounds like one of you will have to go.
Q: What does the man mean?
13W:I hope it's not going to rain for the picnic on Sunday. I'd hate to have tocall everyone and postpone it again.
M: Well, sorry to tell you this .But you'd better get the guest'slist and calendar out.
Q: what does the man imply?
14M:I wish I could afford season tickets to the opera.
W :Well, just think of how much time you have to do other things
Q: what does the woman imply
15W:So what we have this article ,are two different opinions about the samehistorical period.
M: Excuse me .Professor Walton .But which one do you think isright?
Q: what does the man want professor to do?
16W:I just found someone's wallet lying in the street .Luckily, the owner's telephonenumber is inside.
M :My house is a short walk from here
Q: what does the man imply?
17W:I need these articles photocopied and stapled. For my 4'o clock meeting .Doyou think you could have it done by then.
M: There are several letters I need to type. They are not veryurgent though. So I can make this top priority.
Q :what will the man probably do?
18W:Is biology class cancelled next Friday for the long weekend.
M: Professor Smith cancelled the class? You've got to be joking?
Q: what does the man mean?
19M:I was wondering if you might be able to go the the drug store for me andget a bottle of cough syrup and some flu medicine.
W: You know, you've been sick for over a week now. Why don't youget yourself looked at?
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
20W:That was really nice of you to look over my application to graduate school.What did you think of my answer to that last question? You know, where I haveto state my career goals and how I've been working towards them the past fewyears
M:I think your statement is OK. But why do you mention only yourcourse. It seems to be you should aslo describe your work experience
Q: what does the man imply?
21M:If Jane calls, would you tell her I had to go to the newspaper office for afew minutes?
W:OK. Should I tell her she can reach you anytime after ,say ,2'oclock?
Q: what will the woman probably do when Jane calls?
22M:I'm sorry. Is that your coat over there? I just split coffee on it.
W: It's no big deal. I was taking ti to the cleaner's anyway.
Q: what can be inferred from the conversation?
23 M:I am studying biochemistry, but I wonder if that fields are already tooover-crowed.
W:I doubt it. If present trends continue, you should pretty muchhave your pick of jobs by the time you graduate.
Q: what does the woman mean?
24 W: I'm on the publicity committee, for the arts school exhibition being heldon Saturday .And I'm wondering you were supposed to oversee the invitation.
M :Is this Saturday already? I've forgotten about it. But,yes I did respond that I'd be there
25M:I can't imagine that anyone would pay 7 dollars for 3 ouches oftoothpaste.
W:I guess this new toothpaste company knows something we don't. Becauseit sure seems to be selling.
Q :what does the woman imply?
26 M: Don't you find professor Joson to be very intimidating? He seems sostrict in class.
W: It might be early to tell. But I hear he usually loosens up byabout middle terms
Q: what does the woman mean?
27M:It's so nice that I plan to go hiking. But there's storm warning on theradio.
W: If I were you i would reconsider. The weather can be verychangeable around here.
Q :what does the woman imply the man should do?
28W:Have you noticed what creative drawing Sidney makes? I'm surprised she isnot interested in going into commercial art.
M:I know. But I 'm sure she'll do well in law school too.
Q:what can be inferred about Sidney?
29W:Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the health clinic .But I seem to have lost my way.
M: Sorry .This is my first day on this campus.
Q: What does the man imply?