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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Model Answer

核心提示: IELTS Speaking Part 3 Model AnswerQ1: What do you think makes a good student?A1: I really think it’s consistent hard work

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Model Answer
Q1: What do you think makes a good student?
A1: I really think it’s consistent hard work that makes a good student. Some students are naturally smart, but over the long term I think it’s the ones that consistently do good work that end up succeeding. For example, I remember some students from back when I was in school that would stay up late every night trying to perfect whatever assignment they had. They weren’t the smartest bunch but they did well because of their hard work.
Q2: What do you think makes a good student?
A2: To be honest, I feel like intelligence is the most important quality. Some students work hard but they just don’t have the raw intelligence that they need to succeed when things actually get tough. I can remember more than a few times back in school where these students that never took much time to study would get really high scores on tests. It didn’t matter how much effort the other students put in. They just couldn’t compete. Working hard is valuable, for sure. It just can’t compare to that kind of pure intellect that some students have.
Q3: What do you think makes a good student?
A3: In my opinion the best students have a mix of the ability to do hard work and intelligence. If you only have one of the two it can be really difficult to succeed. With some subjects, no matter how hard you work, you just can’t do well if you don’t have a certain amount of base intelligence. On the other hand, you can be incredibly smart but if you don’t apply yourself, you’re not going to get anywhere except maybe the principal’s office.
Action Step
For this one, try memorizing at least one of the three IELTS Speaking Part 3 model answers. Memorization can be a good first step to making the language your own and being able to use it in more flexible contexts.
资讯标签: Model Answer Part Speaking IELTS