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Best Verbal GMAT books

核心提示: 1 General Verbal Review Materials [table=100, ECECEC] [size=0 85em]Attachment: [size=0 85em] [size=1em]verbal og2 gif [ 11 11 KiB |

1. General Verbal Review Materials [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment:
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[/table] 1.1 Official guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2nd Edition
Excellent for additional verbal practice questions, but don't expect to find any grammar rules or verbal strategies here. Strengths: 1. 300 real GMAT questions 2. Real GMAT questions retired from past tests 3. The practice questions are organized by level of difficulty 4. The practice questions follow actual GMAT test patterns - great to have one's ear trained. Weaknesses: 1. The book does not contain any strategies 2. It does have a few short review sections but they are very weak 3. Mostly low and medium difficulty questions. Not very helpful to a person aiming to get above 700. Note: See detailed comparison between First and Second Editions here: the-official-gmat-verbal-review-1st-edition-vs-2nd-edition-83882.html?view-post=628557#p628557 [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment:
[size=0.85em] [size=1em]powerscore_bible.gif [ 13.03 KiB | Viewed 246587 times ]
[/table] 1.2 GMAT Verbal Bible: A Comprehensive System for Attacking GMAT Verbal Questions Great alternative to Kaplan Verbal Workbook but not as good as dedicated PowerScore books (CR and SC) Strengths + Great SC Material + Great CR Material + Great RC strategies + Condenses information into all-in-one verbal workbook that competes well against Kaplan GMAT Verbal Workbook Weaknesses: - Less practice/instruction than SC Book - Less practice/instruction than CR Book - Almost no Reading Comprehension practice (section includes only 2 passages with 4 questions each) - Overall could use more practice questions (true about all PowerScore books) Bottom Line: If you are looking for a great all-in-one Verbal workbook that you can cover in a few weeks, this is a great choice - it condenses 700 pages of PowerScore books into 400. However, minuscule number of practice questions, especially in the RC section, make it unattractive. [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]kaplan_verbal.jpg [ 31.01 KiB | Viewed 253723 times ] [/table] 1.3 Kaplan GMAT Verbal Workbook Good Verbal review but only 650-700 level. Specialized books recommended for a higher score. Strengths: 1. Realistic strategies for every part of Verbal section 2. Useful Idioms and Vocabulary list 3. Good paper and publishing quality Weaknesses: 1. Few hard verbal questions 2. Some questions (CR) are not very representative of the "authentic" questions Other notes: All the practice questions from this book are available on CD-ROM that comes with Kaplan Premier Program [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]PR_workout.jpeg [ 8.48 KiB | Viewed 252970 times ] [/table] 1.4 Princeton Review Verbal Workout for the GMAT Slightly outdated and fairly basic(600-650 level). Strengths: 1. Could be a good book for non-native speakers or beginners, maybe... Weaknesses: 1. Strategies seem to focus on "tricks" and unrealistic assumptions 2. Could use more practice questions 3. Generally easy practice questions 4. Paper quality Other notes: The new edition of the main PR book Cracking the GMAT(with DVD) does a much better job at covering the verbal section than this book. 2. Critical Reasoning [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]powerscore_critical_reasoning.jpg [ 23.04 KiB | Viewed 253246 times ] [/table] 2.1 The PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible Considered the best GMAT book for Critical Reasoning questions. Strengths: 1. Clearly divides the CR question types and provides with specific strategy solutions for each type 2. Gets the results - this is the most recommended book on GMAT Club for CR 3. Well laid out, making learning easy and quick Weaknesses: 1. Though more questions are available than in the MGMAT book/online quiz bank, it could still use more practice questions Note: This book is very similar in terms of strategies or tips to the MGMAT CR book; there is no value in owning both For chapter by chapter book notes, see this post: summary-of-the-powerscore-cr-book-82539.html [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]mgmat_cr.jpg [ 7.2 KiB | Viewed 252877 times ] [/table] 2.2 Manhattan GMAT Critical Reasoning Second best - comes with access to MGMAT's 4 online CAT tests yet refers to the OG for practice questions Strengths: 1. Strategies that work 2. Explanations to the OG questions are very clear 3. Comes with access to 6 online CAT tests (all Manhattan GMAT bookshave this feature) Weaknesses: 1. Requires purchase of OG 11 or Verbal OG. No practice questions in the book - instead it provides reference to questions in the Official Guide 2. Online question bank is comparatively small Note: This book is very similar in terms of strategies or tips to thePowerScore CR book; there is no value in owning both [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]ps_lsat.gif [ 14.07 KiB | Viewed 241565 times ] [/table] 2.3 LSAT Critical Reasoning If you need to turbocharge or nuke your Critical Reasoning this may be a book to consider. Note - not a pure GMAT book and does contain significant amount of irrelevant information. With that said, a good source of 700+ questions. Discussion of LSAT materials for use on GMAT 3. Sentence Correction [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]mgmat_sc.jpg [ 7.01 KiB | Viewed 252317 times ] [/table] 3.1 Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction Highly recommended. Considered the best book for SC. Strengths: 1. Thorough coverage of GMAT grammar concepts 2. Convenient layout 3. Access to 6 Online MGMAT CAT's Weaknesses: 1. Practice question are not provided but refer to the 11th edition of the Official Guide and the Official Guide Supplements Other notes: One of the most referenced books for SC on GMAT Club forum. [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]powerscore_sc.jpg [ 22.27 KiB | Viewed 252257 times ] [/table] 3.2 The PowerScore GMAT Sentence Correction Bible Very close second book for CR. Strengths: 1. In-depth coverage of relevant grammar points 2. Convenient layout, which simplifies reference to needed material Weaknesses: 1. More focus on grammar and rules, less on strategies and methods 2. Could use more practice questions [table=200,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]ultimate GMAT Grammar.gif [ 8.31 KiB | Viewed 174372 times ] [/table] 3.3 GMAT Club's Ultimate GMAT Grammar Ultimate Grammar Book for the SC section of the GMAT. Strengths: 1. All SC areas covered and explained in detail 2. 500+ exercises and 500+ GMAT-like SC questions 3. GMAT idioms with explanations and examples, tables, usage, problematic words, etc 4. Optional section on punctuation and also section on articles and other often ignored subjects/topics that international students struggle with Weaknesses 1. Not yet - maybe a tad too long - 294 pages. We suspect a few typos may be found [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]kaplan_foundations_verbal.jpg [ 6.5 KiB | Viewed 241951 times ] [/table] 3.4 Kaplan GMAT Verbal Foundations Great for non-native speakers and those very rusty with grammar. Strengths: 1. Focus on areas that are often disregarded such as Infinitive and Gerund verb usage, modifiers, commonly confused words, etc 2. 200 GMAT-style questions and 100+ other questions and quizzes 3. 4.5 pages of GMAT Idioms with explanations and examples 4. Good section on style - word choice, being concise, being appropriate - esp. what words/contractions not to use Weaknesses 1. Several areas could be strengthened (article usage) 2. No index 4. Reading Comprehension [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]mgmat_rc.jpg [ 7.56 KiB | Viewed 251542 times ] [/table] 4.1 Manhattan GMAT Reading Comprehension Winner by default but deserves high remarks for trying.Strengths: 1. The only GMAT book fully dedicated to RC (contains 69 questions) 2. Comes with RC passages and questions unlike the other MGMAT materials that only refer to OG Weaknesses: 1. Too few practice questions to deliver a significant score improvement [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em] [size=1em]GRE_verbal.jpg [ 6.62 KiB | Viewed 250993 times ] [/table] 4.2 GRE Prep for RC from Princeton Review Might be a good additional material if RC is the stumbling blockStrengths: 1. Contains good practice passages and questions for RC Weaknesses: 1. Is not designed specifically for GMAT and contains some GRE-specific sections [table=100,#ECECEC] [size=0.85em]Attachment: [size=0.85em][size=1em]File comment: PowerScore LSAT powerscore_lsat.jpg [ 10.16 KiB | Viewed 241705 times ] [/table] 4.3 PowerScore LSAT Reading Comprehension Bible For hardcore RC practice only! Usually not necessary and only to be used by 700+ applicants. It is a level higher than GMAT. See a review of this book by bmillan01review-of-powerscore-s-rc-bible-86718.html
资讯标签: books GMAT Verbal Best