You might have heard about how the SAT is changing in 2016. The last time the SAT changed was in 2005, and every test since then is the same format as the test you're preparing for now.
Even though the test changed in 2005, only a few major differences happened. Most of the test remained the same. This means these are a hidden gold mine of old tests that few students know about, so by taking these tests, you'll have that much more of an edge over current students.
There are important caveats before taking these tests:
- In Reading sections, skip the analogies questions. These are the questions that look like "CAR : ENGINE :: "
- In Math sections, skip the "comparison questions." These are the ones that show two boxes and ask you to choose whether A or B is greater.
- There are no Writing sections in these tests.
Be grateful you didn't need to take these questions - analogies were the main reason that the SAT got a bad rap for forcing students to memorize vocab!
Official SAT Test 2004-05
Download: College Board (contains answers)
Official SAT Test 2003-04
Download: College Board
Answers: College Board
Official SAT Test, 2002
Download: College Board
Official SAT Test, 2001
Download: College Board